Pazzo opened in the Boston neighborhood of Roslindale in 2003, moved to West Roxbury in 2008 and closed up shop to focus on rare books in 2014. While still generalists at heart, we focus on cookery, early printed books and literature.
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Monografia: Las Obras de José Guadalupe Posada Grabador Mexicano
by Posada, José Guadalupe; Rivera, Diego (intro)
Mexico : Mexican Folkways , 1930 (click for more details)La somme rurale
by Boutilier, Jean
Paris : Antoine Vérard or Pierre Levet , 1488 (click for more details)[Archive] Letters and documents relating to Casa Editorial Antonio Vanegas Arroyo in Mexico City 1892-1922
by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo; Vicente A. Gallicia; Pedro Martinez
(click for more details)Introductio Ascensiana in grammaticen [with] Doctrinale Alexandrinum, cum Ascensianis explanationibus
by Badius, Jodocus (Josse Bade); Villedieu (Villa Dei), Alexander de
Paris : J. Petit and J. Badius , 1510 (click for more details)Le Arti del Credenziere, Confetturiere, e Liquorista (manuscript copy )
by Agnoletti, Vincenzo
1820 (click for more details)Recent Catalogs
Pazzo Catalog 6: Refertus
One hundred and thirty-nine books and related items on food and drink from the 16th to the 20th century. Scappi's 1570 Opera, a tin blackbird pie toy, the first Mexican Cookbook from 1831, a binder full of hundred of canned fruit and vegetable labels and grocery displays, a French restaurant receipt from 1660 and much more.
Recent Catalogs
Pazzo Catalog 5: Rimpinzato
128 items on food and drink from the 16th to the 21st century. Art Nouveau cakes, Mexican cantina menus, 16th century humoral dieting for Spanish kings, Michoacán cuisine, Japanese seasonal menus and manuscript illustrations of desserts, butter churn broadsides and much (much) more.