by Agnoletti, Vincenzo
1820. 209 numbered pages (with a few unnumbered blanks at rear) on a mixture of laid and wove paper of different sizes in a modern binding using a printed music leaf and backed in vellum measuring 8.25" x 6"; undated ca. 1820. Small damp stain to top edge early on not obscuring text, scattered ink stains, minor foxing. Apparently an early manuscript copy of Agnoletti's 1822 work Le Arti del credenziere, confettiere e liquorista published in Rome in 1822 (later expanded to 3 volumes as Manuale del credenziere, confetturiere e liquorista di raffinato gusto moderno (1830). Four chapters were added and a few (upon comparison with the 1822 first edition as (truncated)