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23 items
Archive of typed and collected recipes from a prominent Mexican politician and ambassador

Archive of typed and collected recipes from a prominent Mexican politician and ambassador

by Luis Ignacio Rodríguez Taboada et al.

mexico 1950

Offered by Pazzo Books
$1,500.00 add to cart
[Archive] Letters and documents relating to Casa Editorial Antonio Vanegas Arroyo in Mexico City 1892-1922
$5,000.00 add to cart
De Re Culinaria Libri Decem - De Tuenda Valetudine - De Facultatibus alimentorum Tractatus

De Re Culinaria Libri Decem - De Tuenda Valetudine - De Facultatibus alimentorum Tractatus

by Apicius; Platina; Paulus Aegineta

Lyon : Sebastian Gryphius , 1541

Offered by Pazzo Books
$3,000.00 add to cart
Dictionnaire Portatif de Cuisine, D'Office, et de Distillation

Dictionnaire Portatif de Cuisine, D'Office, et de Distillation

by anon

Paris : Chez Lottin , 1772

Offered by Pazzo Books
$450.00 add to cart
Il Cuoco Francese, ove viene insegnata la maniera di condire ogni sorta di vivande, e di fare ogni sorta di Pasticcierie, e Confetti

Il Cuoco Francese, ove viene insegnata la maniera di condire ogni sorta di vivande, e di fare ogni sorta di Pasticcierie, e Confetti

by de la Varenne François Pierre de

Bassano : A spese Remondini di Venezia , 1787

Offered by Pazzo Books
$500.00 add to cart
Introductio Ascensiana in grammaticen [with] Doctrinale Alexandrinum, cum Ascensianis explanationibus

Introductio Ascensiana in grammaticen [with] Doctrinale Alexandrinum, cum Ascensianis explanationibus

by Badius, Jodocus (Josse Bade); Villedieu (Villa Dei), Alexander de

Paris : J. Petit and J. Badius , 1510

Offered by Pazzo Books
$6,500.00 add to cart
La somme rurale

La somme rurale

by Boutilier, Jean

Paris : Antoine Vérard or Pierre Levet , 1488

Offered by Pazzo Books
$13,500.00 add to cart
Le Cuisinier Gascon: Nouvelle Edition, A laquelle on a joint la Lettre du Patissier Anglois

Le Cuisinier Gascon: Nouvelle Edition, A laquelle on a joint la Lettre du Patissier Anglois

by Bourbon, Louis-Auguste (attributed)

Amsterdam (Paris) 1747

Offered by Pazzo Books
$4,500.00 add to cart
Lo Scalco alla Moderna

Lo Scalco alla Moderna

by Latini Antonio

Naples : Domenico Antonio Parrino and Michele Luigi Muzio , 1694

Offered by Pazzo Books
$4,500.00 add to cart
Medicyn-boeck, daerinne alle gebreken des menschelijcke lichaems,,,[with] Eenen seer schoonen/ ende excellenten Coc-boeck [and] Een singuliere ende voortreffelijcke observatie

Medicyn-boeck, daerinne alle gebreken des menschelijcke lichaems,,,[with] Eenen seer schoonen/ ende excellenten Coc-boeck [and] Een singuliere ende voortreffelijcke observatie

by Wirtsung, Christophorum (ie Christoph Wirsung); Battus, Carollus (Carel Baten); Hilden, G.F.

Amsterdam : Ian Evertsen Clojpeburg , 1627

Offered by Pazzo Books
$3,500.00 add to cart
Missa Gothica seu Mozarabica, et officium itidem Gothicum

Missa Gothica seu Mozarabica, et officium itidem Gothicum

by [Mozarabic Missal]

Angelopoli (Puebla) : Typis Seminarii Palafoxiani , 1770

Offered by Pazzo Books
$11,500.00 add to cart
Monografia: Las Obras de José Guadalupe Posada Grabador Mexicano

Monografia: Las Obras de José Guadalupe Posada Grabador Mexicano

by Posada, José Guadalupe; Rivera, Diego (intro)

Mexico : Mexican Folkways , 1930

Offered by Pazzo Books
$1,750.00 add to cart


by Tacitus, Publius Cornelius; Franciscus Puteolanus (ed.)

Milan : Antonius Zarotus , 1487

Offered by Pazzo Books
$13,500.00 add to cart
Recetas Selectas de Cocina

Recetas Selectas de Cocina

by anon

Mexico : Manuel León Sánchez , 1911

Offered by Pazzo Books
$300.00 add to cart
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