1915 · New York
by Grelling, Richard writing as A German
New York: George H. Doran Company, 1915. Hardcover. Near fine/Very good. An early printing. An anti-war classic, condemning the actions of Germany in causing the First World War through its foreign policies. The book was banned in Germany but was translated into many languages and enjoyed huge sales. Printed excerpts in the form of propaganda leaflets from its text were dropped by aircraft of the British Expeditionary Force into the Imperial German Army's trenches in France before the Battle of the Somme in 1916 in an endeavour to undermine the fighting morale of the German troops situated there. Octavo: 445 pp. Original red cloth binding, with gilt- and black-stamped titles. An especially crisp copy in the uncommon dust jacket, which is a little shelfworn with some minor smudging. (Inventory #: 78272)