first edition
1954 · [Waltham, Massachusetts]
by [Microsoft Oven; Raytheon (Waltham, Massachusetts)]
[Waltham, Massachusetts], 1954. Booklet, stapled in wrappers (21.5 x 14 cm.), 13, [1] pages. FIRST EDITION. An operating manual, with recipes, for one of the earliest microwave ovens. Raytheon, the military contractor responsible for much of the early development of radar, used the technology (a magnetron and a Farraday box) to create the first microwave oven. In 1947, the company offered the 1132, first commercial microwave, a 3 kilowatt, water-cooled device, named by an employee via a contest. In 1954, the firm offered two air-cooled microwaves, the 1161, a floor-mounted behemoth and the 800 watt 1170, the first countertop microwave. Very small stain to top edge of front wrapper, otherwise fine. Unrecorded. [OCLC locates no copies]. (Inventory #: 10032)