by Paley, William; Blackstone, Sir William; Fell, W.
1808. Salford, [England]: Printed by W. Cowdroy, 1808.. Salford, [England]: Printed by W. Cowdroy, 1808. A Rare Provincially Printed Digest Enriched With "Apposite Extracts" from Blackstone: Not in Eller or Laeuchli Paley, William [1743-1805]. [Sir William Blackstone (1723-1780)]. [Fell, William (1758-1847), Editor]. A System of Moral and Political Philosophy; Consisting of the Most Important Chapters from the Writings of the Late Dr. Paley; With Some Apposite Extracts from Blackstone's Commentaries: To Which Are Affixed, An Account of the Rise and Progress of the National Debt, And an Explanation of the Different Public Securities. Systematically Arranged, And Designed for the Improvement of Young Persons. [Salford: Printed by W. Cowdroy, Junr. 27, Bury Street, 1808]. xii, 357, [1] pp. 12mo. (6-1/2" x 4"). Recent period-style quarter calf over marbled boards, raised bands, blind fillets and lettering piece to spine, endpapers renewed. Negligible light rubbing to corners, light fading to spine, recent owner bookplate (J.N.B. Collins) to front pastedown. Moderate toning to interior, clean tear to foot of leaf B3 (pp. 185-186), publisher imprint, on title page, and name of editor, at end of preface, p. vii, (inexplicably) erased. Offsetting to endleaves, light soiling and several signatures (of William Robinson, one dated 1809) to title page, brief annotations to head of preface and rear endleaf. A rare title in an attractive binding. $1,500. * Only edition. "The moral and political philosophy of Dr. Paley abounds with the most valuable maxims for the regulation of human life.... The extracts from Blackstone's Commentaries, explaining the power and jurisdiction of Parliament, the nature of legislation, the business of the Officers of State, and the different Courts of Law, appeared as proper subjects to follow Paley's description of the British Constitution, and are, accordingly, inserted immediately after it" (vi-vii). Paley, Archdeacon of Carlisle, was an influential divine and prolific author on moral, religious and political subjects. His works went through several issues and editions. Most of System is drawn from Paley's Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (1785). This book may have belonged to Julian N.B. Collins [d.2006], the notable editor, writer and traveller. OCLC locates 2 copies (Library of Congress, University of Guelph). LibraryHub adds 2 more (British Library, University of Oxfor.
(Inventory #: 82002)