(THE WRIGHT BROTHERS). Bulletin. 2pg. 8 x 11. March 12, 1906. No place. A bulleting printed by the Aero Club of America. It contains a report given by Orville and Wilbur Wright, dated March 12, 1906, detailing their 1905 aviation accomplishments. They list six flights they made in the autumn, the distance, the time and the cause of stopping. The longest flight was on October 5, when one of the Wrights flew over 24 miles and stayed aloft for 38 minutes; the flight ended due to exhaustion of fuel. In the upper right corner of the first page, there is a rubber stamp with From the private library of Orville Wright and then it is signed by his executor, Harold S. Miller. Orville Wright kept this printed item for obvious reasons. The Aero Club of America was founded in 1905 as a result of the Wright Brothers first flights. There is light chipping to the right margins but the condition is very fine. RareBookHub shows no other of these bulletins selling at auction, although the French translation of this publication sold in 2008 and it was also from Orvilles private library. (Inventory #: 6533)