Blog Posts tagged "new catalogs"

Browse the latest catalogs, newsletters, and e-lists of rare books, fine bindings, incunabula, print ephemera, and much more from the members of the ABAA below. (Also includes podcasts, blog posts, and other digital formats.) *New* indicates any catalogs brought to our attention since mid-February 2025. AARDVARK BOOKS/EZRA TISHMAN BOOK APPRAISALS SABF 2024 Highlights 16 Recent Aardvarkian Acquisit... [more]

Books of the Week

By Rich Rennicks

We're debuting a new recurring feature this week, in which I detail the top items that caught my eye as I perused new listings on the website and new catalogs announced by members. This is no more than a reflection of my idiosyncrasies, interests, and unfailing ability to be distracted by colorful photos and vintage adverts, but hopefully they will highlight the range of amazing books and other it... [more]

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