Full Members Jennifer Johnson, The Book Shop, LLC Jen Johnson is the co-owner of The Book Shop, LLC in Covina, California, along with her husband Brad, a member of the ABAA Board of Governors. The Joh... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from July 2016
Entries from May 2016
Even when they're successful, some writers prefer to keep their day jobs. For example, Wallace Stevens was an executive at a Connecticut insurance company, and he believed that work kept the poetic sp... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
A quick look at the stories being discussed in book-collecting circles this week. The Highlights: ABAA-Members interviewed on CBS Sunday Morning Starting off with the news that's closest to home, ABAA... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
To mark World Book and Copyright Day, April 23, ABAA booksellers had four “Pop-Up” book fairs around the country, donating the profits to UNESCO. We have reports and pictures from some of the orga... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
The classic Pauline Baynes' map poster of Middle Earth hung on many bedroom walls in the 1970s. Last year, a map annotated with the edits and instructions from J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes while s... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Even if you didn't have the experience I had as a teenager going to summer camps where they sang the Internationale, the May Day demonstrations of 1886 and the subsequent Haymarket Riot have touched y... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from April 2016
To commemorate the day of Shakespeare's birth, and death, April 23rd, The Folger Shakespeare Library will host an international live streaming event from the historic Paster Reading Room at the Folger... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
ABAA members are participating in UNESCO's World Book and Copyright Day (April 23, 2016) by organizing several "Pop-Up" Book Fairs around the country. The Pop-Up Books Fairs are organized by the Inter... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
The 56th Annual New York Antiquarian Book Fair returned to the Park Avenue Armory from April 7-April 10, 2016. From April 7-10, 2016 book lovers will find a fascinating treasure trove at the Park Aven... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
These items are still missing as of May 31, 2019. Missing Books: Uranometria Nova Star Atlas & Companion Text On or about October 27, 2013 two books went missing from the home of Dr. Kevin B. Marvel i... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]