218: MEDICAL HISTORY OF PEDIATRICS; Mostly from the library of Frederick A. Frye, MD.
By Jeff Weber Rare Books218: MEDICAL HISTORY OF PEDIATRICS; Mostly from the library of Frederick A. Frye, MD. Containing 52 books from the library of Frederick A. Frye, MD: Marguerite ABBOTT, American Orthopaedic Association; Chicago, ANDRÉ-THOMAS, Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, Inc., New York, William W. Belford (owner), Phillip BIEDERT, Kenneth D. BLACKFAN, Harry BLOCH, Lynett Root CABLK, James CALDER, George Washington Carver, Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, William COCKBURN, Mme. Suzanne Saint-Anne DARGASSIES, William C. DEAMER, Wayne DENNIS, Alice DESCOEUDRES, James DOUGLAS, Hugh DOWNMAN, Marion P. DOWNS, The Drucker Foundation, The Dry Milk Company, Murray FEINGOLD, Heinrich FINKELSTEIN, R. FISCHL, Frederick A. FRYE (owner), Eugen GALEWSKY, Sydney S.GELLIS, Joseph GIBSON, Francis GLISSON, Marshall GOLDSMITH, Robert Edward GROSS, Walter HARRIS, Philippe HECQUET, Robert William HEGNER, Frances HESSELBEIN, Thomas HILLIER, HIPPOCRATES, Conrad Philipp HOFFMANN, Rackham HOLT, John INNES, Kenneth LYONS JONES, Margaret H. Jones (owner), John KENNEDY, Le Grand KERR, Monica KIEFER, Leopold LANG, Thomas LEVACHER DE LA FEUTRIE, Williams McKim MARRIOTT, William Stirling MAXWELL (owner), Victor Almon MCKUSICK, Lois Hayden MEEK, Jean Jacques MENURET DE CHAMBAUD, George Milligen, A. Graeme MITCHELL, Alexander Monro, Charles-Philippe de MONTHENAULT D’EGLY, Jerry L. NORTHERN, Arthur Hawley PARMELEE, Aegineta PAULUS [Paul of Aegina], Robert PEMELL, Herbert Gerhard Peterson, Jr., William PORTERFELD, Grover Francis POWERS, Claude QUILLET, Joseph RALPH, Richard Beverly RANEY, Hanns REICH, James W. SAYRE, & Robert F.SAYRE, Bela SCHICK, Roland B.; SCOTT, Alfred Rives SHANDS, Jr., Thomas SIMSON, Irene SJOGREN, David Weyhe SMITH, Samuel Thomas von SOEMMERRING, Iain SOMERVILLE, Sir Conrad SPRENGELL, John STEDMAN, George Frederic STILL, Helen TAUSSIG, B, James THACHER, Marcelino Herrera VEGAS, Alfred VOGEL, Martin G. VORHAUS, Joseph I. WARING, Gilbert WAUCH, Israel Judah WOLF, P. YAGLOU.
TOPICS include: Allergies, Aphorisms, Cardiology, Cerebral Palsy, Childbirth, Child Development, Childrens Hospital, Crippled Children, Dental, Dermatology, Drinking, Echoencephalography, Eugenics, Experimental Psychology, Farming, Hearing (for children), Heredity, Hopi Indians, Kidney Stones, Lungs, Male-female issues, Malformation, Management, Medical Biography, Medical Humor, Medical Poetry, Mental Retardation, Medical Zoology, Meteorology, Midwifery, Mineral Waters, Mothering, Nephritis, Neurology, Nutrition, Orthopedics, Otology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Rickets, Smallpox, Surgery, Syphilis, Worms.
How to request a print version: Contact: Jeff Weber Rare Books [weberbks@pacbell.net]