Bookseller Catalogs
Catalogue 60: The Horseman’s Hand (2023) Works owned, signed, or created by horse lovers of all kinds--association and annotated books, photographs and drawings, albums and manuscripts. 53 items.
How to request a print version: Can be printed from the PDF under "Catalogues" on the home page.
The Book Arts IV: The Idea of a Book (2023)
By Robin Bledsoe, Bookseller (formerly Blue Rider Books)The Book Arts IV: The Idea of a Book (2023) Devoted to reference material and ephemera on artist's books, publishing and printing, bookselling, and other aspects of print culture in its many forms. 139 items.
How to request a print version: Can be printed from the PDF under "Catalogues" on the home page.
293: FURTHER SELECTIONS FROM THE BURNDY LIBRARY 74 books mostly from the Burndy Library for the history of science, technology, engineering, railroading, shipping, navigation, Americana, bibliography
How to request a print version: contact:
292: The Burndy Library [History of Science & Medicine] 84 books mostly from the Burndy Library for the history of science, technology, engineering, railroading, shipping, navigation, Americana, bibliography
How to request a print version: contact:
New Acquisitions in Illustrated & Manuscript Americana 32 items, fully illustrated. Interactive PDF.
Catalogue 99 Items from the Library of the Distinguished American Composer Morten Lauridsen including autograph musical manuscripts of many of his most important works
Catalogue 99 Items from the Library of the Distinguished American Composer Morten Lauridsen including autograph musical manuscripts of many of his most important works