243: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN GRANDPA’S LIBRARY 53 books: AUTHORS: American Medical Association; Robert O. BALLOU; Nicolas Lenglet du FRESNOY; Mark JACKSON; Stanley W. JACKSON; Margaret C. JACOB; L. S. [Stephen]. JACYNA; William JAMES; Eric JAMESON; Jules Celestin JAMIN; Mike JAY; Elizabeth JENKINS; Paul JOIRE; James H. JONES; Peter M. JONES; V. Carleton. JONES; William Leighton JORDAN; Ludmilla JORDANOVA; Gerrit P. JUDD; Gerrit P. JUDD IV; James JURIN; Henry Home Lord KAMES; John KEILL; E. Ann KAPLAN; Matthew H. KAUFMAN; Yosio KAWAKITA; James KEILL; Sir Arthur KEITH; Philip KELLAND; Christopher KELLY; Howard KERR; Henry KIDDLE; James KING; John Bolton KING; Lester Snow KING; J. C. H. KING; Kenneth F. KIPLE; Patrick Vinton KIRCH; Athanasius KIRCHER; Alisa KLAUS; Wendy KLINE; David M. KNIGHT; Christopher [Christoph] Wilhelm von KOCH; Sally Gregory KOHLSTEDT; Alan M. KRAUT; Edward KREMERS; John J. KUCICH; George D. LUNDBERG; Harriet S. MEYER; Gardner MURPHY; Yasuo OTSUKA; Hippolyte Léon Denizard RIVAIL ["Allan KARDEC" [pseud.]]; Andrea RUSNOCK; Marshall David SAHLINS; Shizu SAKAI; Ignaz Philipp SEMMELWEIS; Glenn SONNEDECKER; Susan SQUIER; George URDANG
SUBJECTS: American Science & Medicine, Animal Economy, Anthropology, Art (artifacts), Asthma, Astronomy, Dr. Beddoes, Biology, British Technology (1760-1820), Chemistry, Captain James Cook, Depression, Fringe Medicine, History, Daniel Dunglas Home, Gender Study, Genetics, Geography, Gravity, Hawaii, Industrialization, Medical Biography, Medical classics, Medical History, Mediums, Military Surgery, Natural Philosophy, Natural Science (Illustration), Newtonian Science, Pediatrics, Pharmacy (History), Physiology, Physics, Plague, Psychical Research, Psychiatry, Public Health, Quackery, Religion, Reproduction (innovations), Revolutions, Royal Society, Satire, Scottish Medicine, Smallpox, Spiritualism, Supernormal Phenomena, Surgery (History of), Syphilis, Thinking (Philosophy of), Tower of Babel, Women
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