Bookseller Catalogs
Recent Acquisitions: English, American & Continental Law, 1582-1921– 30 Items
By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Catalog 188 Fall 2021 From James Joyce to Paula Sluiter: Letters, Photographs, and Artwork + Sale Section
E-Catalogue Ten: Paleographers’ Darlings Medieval manuscripts don’t have title pages neatly listing when and where they were written. But descriptions of these manuscripts always begin with this information. Have you ever wondered how that is possible? The short answer to that question is dated manuscripts. Just as some scribes signed their names (see our e-catalogue, “The ‘I’ in Manuscript”), some recorded when, and sometimes also where, they copied their manuscript (commonly the date when they finished their task).
Catalogue 98 New Acquisitions: Artists' Books, Bindings, Calligraphy, & Typography
How to request a print version: A printed copy is available upon request.
Winter2021 A list of 23 manuscripts, books, and things
How to request a print version: No print version.
Christmas and Holiday Catalogue 2021
Christmas and Holiday Catalogue 2021 Christmas and holiday-themed items from the late 19th to mid 20th centuries, most of which are newly catalogued. Christmas-themed political cartoons, toy advertisements, illustrations by Coles Phillips and Jessie M. King, and more.