Bookseller Catalogs
Church History & Theology 16th-19th Centuries, Recent Acquisitions, Catalog 295
By Stroud BooksellersChurch History & Theology 16th-19th Centuries, Recent Acquisitions, Catalog 295 ***Jacques Callot: Les Miseres et Les Mal-Heurs de la Guerre, Paris, 1633 --Eighteen early 17th Century Anti-War Engravings illustrating the inhumanity of war.
***First Edition of Francis Asbury's Journal, NY, 1821, 3 vols, Nice Contemporary Leather.
***3 different items by The Venerable Bed: Homilies, Cologne 1534; Opera 8 vols is 4, pigskin, 1688; Historiae Ecclesiasticae, Cambridge 1722 includes Alfred the Great's version in Saxon language & characters.
***Daniel Lee's Ten Years of Methodist Missions in Oregon 1834-44, NY, 1844 with Folding Maps, First Edition, Leather.
By Jeff Weber Rare Books236: RARE BOOKS IN MEDICAL HISTORY, ANIMISME ET SPIRITISME: Library of Philip K. Wilson [H] 83 books: SUBJECTS: Astronomy, Biography, Classics, Dance of Death, Eugenics, Exploration, Evolution, Fringe Medicine, Genetics, Hawaii, History of Medicine, Medical art, Pathology, Sexology, Social Science, Spiritualism & Afterlife, Theology, Volcanoes, Alexander von Humboldt
AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: Richard C. ALLEN; Fulvio BARDOSSI; Dorothy B. BARRERE; Aime BONPLAND; Jean BURTON; W. F. BYNUM; Anutio FOESIO [Anuce Foës]; Philip FRANCIS; Elizabeth HAIKEN; Trevor H. HALL; John S. HALLER; Jurgen HAMEL; James HAMILTON; Sir William HAMILTON; Evelynn M. HAMMONDS; Edward Smith Craighill HANDY; Thomas John HARDY; J. Max [Joseph Maximilian] HARK; David HARTLEY; William HARVEY; Jonathan HARWOOD; Marouf A. HASIAN, Jr.; Fiona HASLAM; Jo N. HAYS; Richard W. HAZLETT; Phyllis HEMBRY; Joseph HENRY; Folke HENSCHEN; David HERBERT; Don HERBERT; Carlos Maria DE HEREDIA; HERODOTI HALICARNASSEI HERODOTUS; Henri Conrad HERESBACH; Rebecca M. HERZIG; Arthur Emanual HERTZLER; John HETTINGER; HIEROCLES of Alexandria; John Arthur HILL; William HILLEBRAND; HIPPOCRATES; William HODGES; David HOEVELER; William HOFFER; Hans HOLBEIN; Oliver Wendell HOLMES; Henry HOLT; Daniel Dunglas HOME; HORACE; Helen Lefkowitz HOROWITZ; Tony HORWITZ; Thomson Jay HUDSON; Moses HULL; Alexander von HUMBOLDT; William HUNTER; Emily Grant HUTCHINGS; Julian HUXLEY; James H. HYSLOP; Samuel Manaiakalani KAMAKAU; Charlotte L. KELLNER; Hermann KLENCKEOtto KRATZ; Ian JENKINS; Oliver LODGE; Ursula H. MEIER; Adolf MEYER-ABICH; John T. MORSE; Halina NELKEN; John NORRIS; Martin PAPE; Roy PORTER; Mary Kaena PUKUI; Joachim H. SCHULTZE; Ingo SCHWARZ; Kim SLOAN; Richard Henry STODDARD; Helmut de TERRA; Klaus-Harro TIEMANN; Lorenzo VALLA; Windham WYNDHAM-QUIN.
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Books of the Fine and Private Presses An offering of over 30 beautifully produced books from Private and Fine Presses, includes books from the Kelmscott Pres, the Ashendene Press, Nonesuch Press, the Golden Cockerel Press, the Doves Press, and many more. It includes works dating from the Arts and Crafts Movement to the 21st Century.
A Selection of 30 Antiquarian Items: Civil, Common, Natural and Roman Law
By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Catalogue 92 Book Arts 76 items of artists' books, book arts, printing history, & typography
How to request a print version: A printed copy can be mailed upon request.
E-Catalogue 18: Allegory, Signs & Symbols Twenty Continental European books from the 16th to 19th century relating to allegory and symbols
How to request a print version: Please request a print version.