Bookseller Catalogs
E-Catalogue Six: Manuscripts under 10,000 (mostly) Six books and manuscripts; all are less than $20,000, and three are less than $10,000.
BOOKS & EPHEMERA: An illustrated catalogue of 32 miscellaneous items
By J & J Lubrano Music Antiquarians LLCBOOKS & EPHEMERA: An illustrated catalogue of 32 miscellaneous items from a 1489 Johann Prüss incunable
to a 1933 Mickey Mouse pop-up book!
Catalogue 92 Part II: Items 64-127 Autograph Musical Manuscripts & Letters of Composers
First & Early Editions of Printed Music
Rare Books on Music
Portrait Engravings
Catalogue 92 Part I: Items 1-63 Autograph Musical Manuscripts & Letters of Composers
First & Early Editions of Printed Music
Rare Books on Music
Portrait Engravings
259: THE LIBRARIES OF DRS. MARIO E. SPADA & HERNAN DEMONTI 29 Rare books in the history of Science & Medicine: AUTHORS: Academie Royal de Chirurgie (1755-60). Ulyssis ALDROVANDUS (1638/1644). Thomas BARTHOLIN (1662, 1670). Georges BERTIN (1586). Robert BOYLE (1667). [Gautier d'Agoty] Antoine COURT DE GEBELIN (1776). Pierre DEFAUX [DEFOSSEZ?] [Manuscript] (1757). Rene DESCARTES (1650). Jean Amedee DUPAU (1826). Thomas ERASTUS (1580, 1572). FABRICIUS, ab Aquapendente (1592). GALEN (1556). Pierre GASSENDI (1680). Theodoros GAZES (1536). William HARVEY (1650, 1651). Caspar HOFMANN (1619). Jean-Baptiste Remy JACQUELIN-DUBUISSON (1816). Jan JONSTON (1648). Carlo LANCILLOTTI (1683). Joseph LIEUTAUD (1766). Étienne-Jules MAREY (1877). Eduard MARTIN (1911, 1912). Pierre Jean Claude MAUDUYT de la Varenne (1784). Jacques MESNARD (1753). Joannis Baptistae MORGAGNI (1728). Antoine PETIT, [Manuscript] (1762). Jean RIOLAN (1674). Friedrich SCHLEMM (1830). Jean-Baptiste VAN HELMONT (1670). Henry Patrick WAGENER (1937).
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