Bookseller Catalogs
Catalogue 78: Recently Acquired Books, Manuscripts & Ephemera This 172-item catalogue (with index) offers a wide variety of American, English, and Continental books, manuscript items, and ephemera. Highlights include the first edition of the Exceptiones Legum Romanorum (1500), Giunta's illustrated edition of the Decretum Gratiani (1514), the manuscript record of a nineteenth-century English law society and first editions of Story's Commentaries on the Constitution (1833) and Cowell's Institutiones Juris Anglicana (1605).
A List to Celebrate the Annual Boston International Antiquarian Book, November 11, 2014 Fair
By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Homenatge a Catalunya A short list of some Catalonia-related material inspired by the unofficial Catalan self-determination referendum, much of it from the Spanish Civil War.
Occasional List 20: Amazing with an Asterisk An online-only illustrated catalog. 33 items to demonstrate the proposition that daily life presents small instances of wonder: A kitten saves a family from a fire. Images in sawdust and resin hold images on glass. The patient application of postage stamps is the medium of an artist who once sent the Smithsonian a nail found in the stomach of a hog.
Biblioctopus Catalog 52 A wide range of items, spanning a range of over 2000 years. Available for download is a PDF of catalog 52 in both high and low resolution. The one available here is low resolution, go to for a high resolution download. If you would like to receive an email notification of future catalog downloads, please submit your information through the contact form on
How to request a print version: Contact Biblioctopus directly via email or phone for a free printed copy.
List 4: Early Photography A selection of 32 interesting and uncommon books relating 19th and early 20th century photographic methods. The earliest book on the list is a first edition of Robert Hunt's Popular Treatise on the Art of Photography (1841). Included are several trade catalogues, manuals on daguerrotype, calotype, collodion, albumen, ferrotype, and dry plate processes, books treating chemistry and other scientific aspects of photography, and two of the first American scientific books to be illustrated with real photographs.
The Battle Hymn of Bolerium Sheet music, with an emphasis on the labor movement,
drag performers and the complicated dance around ethnicity.
Catalogue Four: Between Farm & Table - The Production & Marketing of Food
By Rabelais: Fine Books on Food & DrinkCatalogue Four: Between Farm & Table - The Production & Marketing of Food How and when did food production move from the kitchen to the factory? The items in this catalogue seek to illustrate this transformation. Included are printed and manuscript materials produced by and for the food industry: handbooks, trade catalogues, advertising art, labels, photographs, and ephemera. We've divided the catalogue into the primary activities that occur 'between farm and table', stopping just short of the home or restaurant kitchen.
How to request a print version: We will gladly supply printed catalogues to known customers, all institutions and booksellers, at no charge. If you are a new customer, the catalogues cost $10, and are available to order on the catalogue page of our website: