E-list #12: New Arrivals A nice selection of books on music, Abraham and Mary Lincoln, plus an eclectic array of autographs.
Bookseller Catalogs
E-list #12: New Arrivals A nice selection of books on music, Abraham and Mary Lincoln, plus an eclectic array of autographs.
225: Ulrich Hacker MD – Library of Rare Pediatrics & Medical History 48 books largely on the history of pediatrics, history of medicine, 17th-century to the 20th century. AUTHORS: Isaac A. ABT; AVICENNA; Adolf BAGINSKY; Jeffrey P. BAKER; R. Frederick BECKER; Peter Hinckes BIRD; Eugene BOUCHUT; Sir Thomas BROWNE; California Medical Association; Ann G. CARMICHAEL; John Crerar Library; Chicago; William Potts DEWEES; George F. DICK; Gladys Henry DICK; Michael A. DORSO; John EBERLE; Johann EGGERS; Richard EIMAS; Richard T. EVANSON; Ludwig FRANKEL; John A. GEHWEILER; Benjamin Lee GORDON; John Price Crozer GRIFFITH; Clifford G. GRULEE; O. Cameron GRUNER; John G. GUNN; Henry HARRIS; L. Christoph HELLWIG; Herman H. HENKLE; Eduard Heinrich HENOCH; Oliver Wendell HOLMES; Friedrich JAHN; J. Roy JONES; Max KASSOWITZ; Abraham LEVINSON; William Palmer LUCAS; Kenneth M. LUDMERER; Henry MAUNSELL; John Forsyth MEIGS; Alois MONTI; Hugh C. MULDOON; Sir William OSLER; Howard A. PEARSON; Albrecht PEIPER; Hermann PETERS; William F. PETERSEN; Richard M. RATZAN; C. A. RODIN; Heinrich SCHIPPERGES; Eustace SMITH; Job Lewis SMITH; Christian Augustus STRUVE; Karl SUDHOFF; Jurgen THORWALD; Matthias (Mathias) TILING; University of Iowa Libraries; Niclas (Nicolas) VENETTE; James W. WILSON.
How to request a print version: Contact: weberbks@pacbell.net
Beautiful Places, Beautiful Books A catalogue of illustrated travel books
How to request a print version: Link to Download PDF available.
E-Catalogue 17: Feminae Two dozen books by, for and/or about women
How to request a print version: Please request a hard copy.
224: THE MIDDLE EAST (especially PERSIA). [29 books]. SUBJECTS: Afghanistan, Arabian Nights, Babylon, Egypt; Iran, Language (Farsi); Middle East, Persia, Persian Poetry, Saudi Arabia, Turkey.
AUTHORS: George ANTONIUS; Sir Thomas ARNOLD; H. W. (Henry Walter) BELLEW; Pietro BIZARI [BIZZARI]; Philippus CHALLIMACUS; Jacques-Joseph CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC; CLEASIAS; James DARMESTETER; DÉMON STUDIO, Tehran; Shirin EBADI; Lewis EINSTEIN; Charles Boileau ELLIOTT; Mahshid ESSALAT-WEBER; James Elroy FLECKER, [Herman]; Helle FLECKER; James FRASER (1713-1754); James Baillie FRASER (1783-1856); Alfred GUILLAUMEHAFEZ (14th century); Muḥammad Mustajāb ibn ḤĀFIẒ RAḤMAT KHĀN; HAFIZ RAHMAT KHAN BARECH; Barbara HODGSON; William KIRKPATRICK (1754/6-1812); Moritz von KOTZEBUE; Colonel Sir John MALCOLM; Thoma MINADOUS; Azadeh MOAVENI; Henry Vollam MORTON; Major Sir William OUSELEY; William Gifford PALGRAVE (1826-1888); Julia S. H. PARDOE; PHOTIUS; Mahin POURDAD ESSALAT MOBAYAN; Henricus PORSIUS; Alfred "Toby" RAWLINSON; John RICHARDSON (1740 or 1741-1795); Freya Madeline STARK; Emanuel SWEDENBORG (1688-1772).
How to request a print version: Contact: weberbks@pacbell.net
A Selection of 30 Antiquarian Items: Canon, Civil, Common, Islamic, Natural & Roman Law
By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.LIST 321: BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS 189 items, an assortment of books and pamphlets on book history, bibliography, bookbinding, catalogues, collections and collecting, clubs, fine presses and their books, libraries, paper, printing, type, and bookselling
How to request a print version: Email us or call if you wish to receive a printed copy of LIST 321: Books about Books. respessbooks@cstone.net or (413) 727-3435
223: From the Library of RICHARD WEISS 33 books: SUBJECTS: Astronomy, Biography, Chemistry, Dictionary, Electricity, Italian Renaissance, Mathematics, Optics, Philosophy, Poetry, Pyramids, Roman theatre, Science, Scientific Instruments, Telegraphy, Thermodynamics
AUTHORS: Jacques DALECHAMPS; John Theophilus DESAGULIERS ; Janus GRUTER ; Denison OLMSTED ; William Somerville ORR ; Wilhelm OSTWALD ; Jacques OZANAM ; Ignace Gaston PARDIES ; Jean Claude Eugene PECLET ; Francesco PETRARCA [PETRARCH] ; Denis PETAU, [Dionysius PETAVIUS]; Alessandro PICCOLOMINI ; Titus Maccius PLAUTUS ; PLINY the Elder ; Henry Crozier Keating PLUMMER ; Melchior de POLIGNAC ; William Henry PREECE; Thomas PRESTON ; Ilya Romanovich PRIGOGINE ; Joseph PRIESTLEY ; Matthew PRIOR ; Augustin PRIVAT-DESCHANEL; Richard A. PROCTOR; James SIVEWRIGHT ; Friedrich TAUBMANN
How to request a print version: weberbks@pacbell.net