Bookseller Catalogs

217: Animisme et Spiritisme; Medical Oddities & Ghosts

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

217: Animisme et Spiritisme; Medical Oddities & Ghosts Containing 118 books from the library of Phillip K. Wilson, written (mostly 20th century, but with some surprises) by: David P.ABBOTT; Erwin H. ACKERKNECHT; Alexander ADAM; John Quincy ADAMS; Mark B. ADAMS; Romanzo ADAMS; Alexander AGASSIZ; Elizabeth Cabot AGASSIZ; Louis AGASSIZ; John KASPER, Harlan H. BALLARD; Lane COOPER; Alexandre AKSAKOF; Denise ALBANESE; Anthony M. ALIOTO; Julia ALLEN; Peter Lewis ALLEN; Lydia Winterhalter ALLISON; Stephen G. ALTER; ALY, Gotz; Peter CHROUST; Christian PROSS; Robert G. W. ANDERSON; Roy Allan ANDERSON; Jonathan ANDREWS; Christopher ANSTEY; Rima D. APPLE; Bryan APPLEYARD; Philippe ARIES, ARISTOTLE (pseud.); Richard ARMOUR; Elizabeth M. ARMSTRONG; Patrick ARMSTRONG; Eric Gruber von ARNI; Edwin ARNOLD; Robert A. ARONOWITZ; Cristina BACCHILEGA; Francis BACON; Karl Ernst von BAER; Thomas BAKER; Beth BAILEY; Wilson Gill BAILEY; A. T. BAIRD; Maurice BARBANELL; Lynn BARBER; Dennis BARDENS; Fordyce BARKER; Jean BARMAN; Sandra Lee BARNEY; James Smith BARR; Logie BARROW; Jacques BARZUN; Jean BASSETT; Ralph S. BATES; W. L. BAUM; Harold N.MOYER,; Francis K. BAXTER; Kurt BAYERTZ; Mary BEARD; Wilhelm BEER; Lucinda McCray BEIER; Peter BEIGHTON; Greta BEIGHTON; James BELCHER; Whitfield J. BELL, Jr.; Laurence J. BENDIT; Thomas BENDYSHE; Claude BERNARD; Theodore BESTERMAN; Thomas BEWICK; Vivian BIRD; Shirley Burgoyne BLACK; Simon Augustine BLACKMORE; Anthony BLACKWALL; Oliver BLAND; Johann Friedrich BLUMENBACH; Norman BLUNSDON; Franz BOAS; Herman BOERHAAVE; Robert BOGDAN; Sarah Knowles BOLTON; Frederick Bligh BOND; Jan BONDESON; Anne BORSAY; Paul-Gabriel BOUCE, Edwin F. BOWERS; Geoffrey C.BOWKER; Peter J.BOWLER; H. Dennis BRADLEY; Stanley de BRATH; Ann BRAUDE; Thomas BROWN; William Slater BROWN; E. J. BROWNE; Sir Thomas BROWNE; Vivienne BROWNING; Harry BRUINIUS; Allen BUCHANAN; Peter H. BUCK aka: Te Rengi HIROA; James Monroe BUCKLEY; Georges Louis Leclerc BUFFON; John C. BURNHAM; Sir Cyril BURT; Samuel BUTLER; George William BUTTERWORTH; William F. BYNUM; Emmett CAHILL; John CALDERAZZO; Luis de CAMOENS; Marjorie L. CAYGILL; Sir Kenelm DIGBY; David FARBER; Jeremiah S. FINCH; Pierre FLOURENS; Alice Bache GOULD; Augustus Addison GOULD; Frederic Lawrence HOLMES; Arthur G. MACGREGOR; John HUNTER; Karl Friedrich Heinrich MARX; Lt.-Col. Sir Thomas LIVINGSTON MITCHELL Thomas Livingstone MITCHELL; Charles L. MIX; Sir John MURRAY; Lucy Allen PATON; Roy PORTER; Joseph PRIESTLEY; Francois Boissier de SAUVAGES DE LACROIX; Andrew SCULL; Susan Leigh STAR; L. SYSON; Mikulas TEICH; Jenny E. UGLOW; Ashworth UNDERWOOD; Bruce McIntyre WATSON; Rudolf WAGNER; Leslie A. WHITE.

How to request a print version: Contact: Jeff Weber Rare Books. PDF version only.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

216: THE SCIENCES, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY & ANTIQUARIAN CLASSICAL LEARNING: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY, N Containing 27 books written by: Sir David BREWSTER, Geoffrey N. CANTOR, Gale E. CHRISTIANSON, Betty Jo Teeter DOBBS, John HERIVEL, Margaret C. JACOB, J.E. McGUIRE, Frank Edward MANUEL, John NARRIEN, James NASMYTH, Simon NEWCOMB, Isaac NEWTON, John Pringle NICHOL, Henry Alleyne NICHOLSON, Abbe Jean-Antoine NOLLET, Henry Davenport NORTHROP, Henry PEMBERTON, and Henry John STEFFENS. Topics include: Astronomy, History of Science, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Paleontology, Physics, Scientific Biography.

How to request a print version: Write to: Jeff Weber Rare Books, 1815 Oak Ave., Carlsbad CALIFORNIA 92008 USA; or e-mail, phone call.

Catalogue 91 Book Arts

By The Veatchs Arts of the Book

Catalogue 91 Book Arts including rare Remondini & Rizzi papers, a calligraphed book, The Bruce Type Foundry office set of the Typographic Advertiser 1855-1869, a rare specimen from Oxford University Press, private presses & bibliographies

How to request a print version: A printed copy can be mailed upon request.

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