Bookseller Catalogs

Stuart Lutz Historic Documents catalog

By Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Inc.

Stuart Lutz Historic Documents catalog A broad assortment of historically important documents, including an archive of Presidential letters, one of Abraham Lincoln's first Presidential commissions, an Amelia Earhart signed photograph, a rare James Garfield Presidential document, a John Wayne signed radio contract, and much, much more.

How to request a print version: Contact me for a printed catalog, or to be put on my catalog mail list.

Catalog 17. The Future is Unwritten: Letterism [Lettrisme] 1947-2014

By Book & Tackle

Catalog 17. The Future is Unwritten: Letterism [Lettrisme] 1947-2014

Catalog 17 is entirely devoted to Letterism and Inismo, and features over 100 books and periodicals.

How to request a print version: The print catalog was limited to 25 copies and is now depleted. Our next print catalog will be printed in greater numbers.

List 291: African-Americana

By L & T Respess Books

List 291: African-Americana

215 items, topics represented include slavery, the fugitive slave law, colonization, racist literature, education and educational institutions, employment and business, religion and churches, fraternal organizations, military service, communism, the civil rights struggle, civil rights organizations, personal recollections and profiles, music, and literature.

How to request a print version: Request a printed copy by email, mail, or telephone.

Catalog 190, Rare Books

By Second Life Books, Inc.

Catalog 190, Rare Books 229 Rare books from the 16th Century to the present including literature from the Harlem Renaissance, Woman Suffrage, Americana, etc.

How to request a print version: Available upon request

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