E-list #25 New arrivals include several T.S. Eliot firsts, a few titles from assassinated Romanian critic Ioan Couliano's library, signed firsts from novelist sisters Helen and Olive White, and . . . an anti-temperance watch fob.
Bookseller Catalogs
E-list #25 New arrivals include several T.S. Eliot firsts, a few titles from assassinated Romanian critic Ioan Couliano's library, signed firsts from novelist sisters Helen and Olive White, and . . . an anti-temperance watch fob.
30 Additional Selections from the Rare Books & Fine Art Frankfurt Virtual Book Fair
By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.The Bill Taub NASA Photo and Memorabilia Collection Photographs and related memorabilia from the personal collection of NASA Senior Photographer Bill Taub.
New Acquisitions Autumn 2020 A selection of 22 recently acquired books, autograph manuscripts, musical scores, and letters.
Special List 387: Climate, Weather, Storms 26 items on climate, weather, and storms, with full-color illustrations