Bookseller Catalogs

Biblioctopus Catalog 58

By Biblioctopus

Biblioctopus Catalog 58 Books and manuscripts interspersed with an unanticipatedly wide array of connected items, 650BCE–1987CE.

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190: Richard Weiss Library on PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY & more.

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

190: Richard Weiss Library on PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY & more. JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #190: Contains 283 books selected from the ASTRONOMY & PHYSICS historical library of Dr. Richard Weiss. Included are numerous works on magnetism & electricity, mathematics, natural history and natural philosophy, the general popularization of science, etc. Among the highlights: J.J. THOMSON, Notes on Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, 1893 [#263], and, Madame de SEVIGNE'S, Lettres Choisies, 1871 [#243], Andrew Carnegie's copy of BREWSTER'S Life of Newton, 1855 [#187].

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By L & T Respess Books

LIST 311:  BOOKS ABOUT THE SOUTH 430 books, maps, and pamphlets, concerning such topics as the individual states, African Americans, agriculture, Appalachia, art & architecture, bibliography, economics, food & cookery, industries, law, medicine, music, natives, natural resources, railroads, religion, travel, wars, and women.

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