Bookseller Catalogs


By Buckingham Books

WA-145 In this, our final catalog for 2019, we offer several significant items such as "Nimmo's Treasury Report" of the "Big Four" cattle books; a manuscript brand book of Mississippi, recording 24 years of brands & the only known Brand Book for Mississippi; John G. Bourke's "MacKenzie's Last Fight,"...a true Indian Wars rarity; the rarely seen first edition of "Life of Charley Reynolds." In addition, our Photograph Gallery Supplement presents 2 photographs by L.A. Huffman, a rare Pinkerton Reward Poster for Rube Barrows, and a collection of photographs of members of the Dalton Gang after their famous attempt to rob 2 banks in Coffeyville, Kansas.

Rara Eros 16th - 20th Centuries

By Booktryst

Rara Eros 16th - 20th Centuries Featuring 60 scare or merely rare items of illustrated erotic books with titlepages and illustrations (over 82) seen for the first time outside of the original books, as well as original prints. Already a desirable reference, Rara Eros is highlighted by meticulous scholarship, informative annotations, and attractive design.

How to request a print version: A print edition limited to 50 copies is available for $55. Contact the proprietor.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

233: FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS; THE HIDDEN ART 20 books: SUBJECTS: American Indians, Bible, Binding history, Fore-edge Painting, Italian reformation, Abraham LINCOLN, Poetry, Religion.

AUTHORS, BINDERS, OWNERS, PAINTERS: Henry BATHURST, Beck (binders) Leamington, George BOOTH (owner), Edmund BURKE, J. CARRS & CO., Glasgow (bindery), Margaret COSTA (painter), Sir James DOUGLAS of Cavers, "Dover" (painter), Henry DRUMMOND, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Vera DUTTER; EDWARDS OF HALIFAX, Lank. FINE (owner), William FIRTH, Martin FROST (painter); Rev. George GILFILLAN, Olive Virginia GOODWIN (owner), James HALL, Josiah Gilbert HOLLAND, William HOWITT, Edward Thomas KING (owner), Vicesimus KNOX, Oscar Ehrhardt Lancaster (owner), , W. J. LOFTIE, Henry Wadsworth LONGFELLOW, William LUKER (painter), Lord Thomas Babington MACAULAY, Thomas L. MCKENNEY, MANSELL (binder), John MILTON, Don NOBLE (painter), Mary NORRIS (owner), Petro Dominico Rosio de PORTA, RAMAGE (bindery), Samuel ROGERS, Sir Walter SCOTT, STEVENS (painter), James THOMSON, Alfred TRAPNELL (owner), Eden WARWICK (pseud.), Edward YOUNG.

How to request a print version: contact:

EList 51

By Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd.

EList 51 I am pleased to offer for sale a selection of recent acquisitions, which includes Bellmer's LA POUPÉE; several titles by Robert Hunt; an early American exhibition catalogue of Autochromes; a scarce Robert Frank film promotion book; Hill's A TREATISE ON HELIOCHROMY; Lewis Hine's SKYSCRAPER; a unique album from the KOKOON CLUB; three Daytona Beach Orotones by LeSesne; Melloni's RAPPORT SUR LE DAGUERRÉOTYPE, which includes Donne's process for etching daguerreotype plates; a rare Pictorialist catalogue from Strassburg; two unique maquettes by Jean-Pierre Sudre; Wada's TOKAIDO GOJUSAN TSUGI with 56 albumen prints; several important histories, and numerous nineteenth century process manuals.

232: California Farrago; On Leaving the Great State

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

232: California Farrago; On Leaving the Great State 96 books & more: SUBJECTS (all relating to California): Alphabets; Americana; Art (western); Bibliography; Birds; Bookselling; California; California Poetry; Cartography (Coastal Survey); Fine Printing; Gold Rush; Los Angeles; Mammoth Trees of California; Medicine (relating to California); Mexico; Miniature book; Photography; Railroads; Western Americana; Wine

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS, OWNERS, PRINTERS: Lorenzo D. ALDRICH; Don Cameron ALLEN; Automobile Club of Southern California; A. D. BACHE; E. F. BEALE; Sam BEHRENDT (owner); Frederick W. and Carrie S. BEINECKE; Major Horace BELL; R. L. BERNIER, publisher; Amanda BLANCO; Carey BLISS; Book Club of California; Paolo Emilio BOTTA; George King BOURKE (southwestern artist); John BRADBURY; California Academy of Medicine; California Council for the Promotion of History; California Medical Association; California State Library Foundation; Capricorn Press; Dr. BURROUGH; Don Carlos Antonio CARRILLO; Castle Press; John Walton CAUGHEY; Jean-Baptiste CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE; Cornelius COLE; Marco Arturo Moreno CORRAL; Robert Ernest COWAN; David CUTTER; Dawson's Book Shop; William Leon DAWSON; Alonzo DELANO; Maynard DIXON; Edward E. DUNBAR; Edward DORO; J. M. EDELSTEIN; William EVERSON; Francis P. FARQUHAR; Richard W. FOX; Frances Tomlinson GARDNER; John Bartlett GOODMAN III; Edwin & Robert GRABHORN; Charles E. GREEN; A Don Antonio Ma [Maria] GUTIERREZ; Robert D. HARLAN; Neal HARLOW; Peter HILLER; Gwinn Harris HEAP; W. J. HOLLIDAY (owner); Holmes Book Company, Oakland; Walter H. HORNE (photographer); John Howell—Books; William Rich HUTTON; Robinson JEFFERS; Kenneth M. JOHNSON; Benito Pablo JUÁREZ GARCÍA; William KELLY; Thaddeus S. KENDERDINE; Rudyard KIPLING; Dr. Leon KOLB (owner); Paul LANDACRE; Anthony L. LEHMAN; Robert M. LLOYD; Blanca LUZ BRUM; Graham MACINTOSH; David MAGEE; Alejandro MASALPINA; Clement W. MEIGHAN; Richard S. MITCHELL; Robert J. MOES; Jo MORA; MOREHOUSE, A. G., & C. E. ELSTNER (publishers); Mount Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway; John Henry Nash; Doyce B. NUNIS, Jr; Duncan H. OLMSTED; Elizabeth OTIS; Francisco “PANCHO” VILLA; Catherine Coffin PHILLIPS; Thomas PINNEY; Bruce PORTER; John Wesley POWELL; Lawrence Clark POWELL; Herbert Ingram PRIESTLEY; James A. PRITCHARD; Jay Marion READ; Dorothy F. REGNERY; Ward RITCHIE; Fred A. ROSENSTOCK; Santa Susana Press; J. B. deC. M. SAUNDERS; Fray Junípero SERRA; David Alfaro SIQUEIROS; Tage SKOGSBERG; John STEINBECK; Gary E. STRONG; Adolph Heinrich Joseph SUTRO; John SWETT; Bayard TAYLOR; Raymond G. TAYLOR; Richard B. TIBBY; Times Steam Job Color Press; Roger L. TITUS; Theodore E. TREUTLEIN; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. House of Representatives; Theodore Strong VAN DYKE; Robert DE VAUGONDY; D. Pomposo. VERDUGO; Joseph E. WARE; Charles Dudley WARNER; Douglas S. WATSON; Francis J. WEBER; Carl Irving WHEAT; Leigh WIENER; Gordon WILLIAMS; Daniel WOODWARD; Noel YOUNG; Zamorano Club; Jake ZEITLIN; Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers, Los Angeles; Tom ZIMMERMAN; Barbara ZOOK FORNEY.

How to request a print version: contact:

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