20th Century Japan Japanese Art and Photography in the 20th Century- Art Nouveau, Avant garde, and more..
Bookseller Catalogs
20th Century Japan Japanese Art and Photography in the 20th Century- Art Nouveau, Avant garde, and more..
253: An American in Montreux. II 1300+ more medical books offered at 50% discount. Sale is temporary. We are moving to Switzerland.
How to request a print version: weberbks@pacbell.net
252: An American in Montreux. I 1300 medical books for sale at 50% discount
How to request a print version: weberbks@pacbell.net
Catalogue 94 New Acquisitions, including an early American ream wrapper, type foundry specimens, private presses, and a Timothy Ely/ Dan Kelm collaboration.
How to request a print version: A printed copy can be mailed upon request.
Catalogue 94 New Acquisitions, including an early American ream wrapper, type foundry specimens, private presses, and a Timothy Ely/ Dan Kelm collaboration.
How to request a print version: A printed copy can be mailed upon request.
Summer Short-list: the Seventeenth Century 23 books from the 17th century
How to request a print version: Supplied on request