Bookseller Catalogs

232: California Farrago; On Leaving the Great State

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

232: California Farrago; On Leaving the Great State 96 books & more: SUBJECTS (all relating to California): Alphabets; Americana; Art (western); Bibliography; Birds; Bookselling; California; California Poetry; Cartography (Coastal Survey); Fine Printing; Gold Rush; Los Angeles; Mammoth Trees of California; Medicine (relating to California); Mexico; Miniature book; Photography; Railroads; Western Americana; Wine

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS, OWNERS, PRINTERS: Lorenzo D. ALDRICH; Don Cameron ALLEN; Automobile Club of Southern California; A. D. BACHE; E. F. BEALE; Sam BEHRENDT (owner); Frederick W. and Carrie S. BEINECKE; Major Horace BELL; R. L. BERNIER, publisher; Amanda BLANCO; Carey BLISS; Book Club of California; Paolo Emilio BOTTA; George King BOURKE (southwestern artist); John BRADBURY; California Academy of Medicine; California Council for the Promotion of History; California Medical Association; California State Library Foundation; Capricorn Press; Dr. BURROUGH; Don Carlos Antonio CARRILLO; Castle Press; John Walton CAUGHEY; Jean-Baptiste CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE; Cornelius COLE; Marco Arturo Moreno CORRAL; Robert Ernest COWAN; David CUTTER; Dawson's Book Shop; William Leon DAWSON; Alonzo DELANO; Maynard DIXON; Edward E. DUNBAR; Edward DORO; J. M. EDELSTEIN; William EVERSON; Francis P. FARQUHAR; Richard W. FOX; Frances Tomlinson GARDNER; John Bartlett GOODMAN III; Edwin & Robert GRABHORN; Charles E. GREEN; A Don Antonio Ma [Maria] GUTIERREZ; Robert D. HARLAN; Neal HARLOW; Peter HILLER; Gwinn Harris HEAP; W. J. HOLLIDAY (owner); Holmes Book Company, Oakland; Walter H. HORNE (photographer); John Howell—Books; William Rich HUTTON; Robinson JEFFERS; Kenneth M. JOHNSON; Benito Pablo JUÁREZ GARCÍA; William KELLY; Thaddeus S. KENDERDINE; Rudyard KIPLING; Dr. Leon KOLB (owner); Paul LANDACRE; Anthony L. LEHMAN; Robert M. LLOYD; Blanca LUZ BRUM; Graham MACINTOSH; David MAGEE; Alejandro MASALPINA; Clement W. MEIGHAN; Richard S. MITCHELL; Robert J. MOES; Jo MORA; MOREHOUSE, A. G., & C. E. ELSTNER (publishers); Mount Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway; John Henry Nash; Doyce B. NUNIS, Jr; Duncan H. OLMSTED; Elizabeth OTIS; Francisco “PANCHO” VILLA; Catherine Coffin PHILLIPS; Thomas PINNEY; Bruce PORTER; John Wesley POWELL; Lawrence Clark POWELL; Herbert Ingram PRIESTLEY; James A. PRITCHARD; Jay Marion READ; Dorothy F. REGNERY; Ward RITCHIE; Fred A. ROSENSTOCK; Santa Susana Press; J. B. deC. M. SAUNDERS; Fray Junípero SERRA; David Alfaro SIQUEIROS; Tage SKOGSBERG; John STEINBECK; Gary E. STRONG; Adolph Heinrich Joseph SUTRO; John SWETT; Bayard TAYLOR; Raymond G. TAYLOR; Richard B. TIBBY; Times Steam Job Color Press; Roger L. TITUS; Theodore E. TREUTLEIN; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. House of Representatives; Theodore Strong VAN DYKE; Robert DE VAUGONDY; D. Pomposo. VERDUGO; Joseph E. WARE; Charles Dudley WARNER; Douglas S. WATSON; Francis J. WEBER; Carl Irving WHEAT; Leigh WIENER; Gordon WILLIAMS; Daniel WOODWARD; Noel YOUNG; Zamorano Club; Jake ZEITLIN; Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers, Los Angeles; Tom ZIMMERMAN; Barbara ZOOK FORNEY.

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