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Speculation and Revelation
by Shestov, Lev; Martin, Bernard (Translator, Preface); Berdyaev, Nikolai (Introduction)
Chicago : Ohio University Press , 1982 (click for more details)
First Edition
Photography and Korea
by Kim, Jeehey
London : Reaktion Books Ltd , 2023 (click for more details)All Things Are Possible & Penultimate Words and Other Essays
by Shestov, Lev; Koteliansky, S.S. (Translator); Martin, Bernard (Introduction); Lawrence, D.H. (Foreword, "All Things Are Possible")
Athens : Ohio University Press , 1977 (click for more details)
First Edition
The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology
by Finney, Paul Corby (General Editor)
Eerdmans , 2017 (click for more details)
First Edition
Nature's Metropolis; Chicago and the Great West
by Cronon, William
New York : W.W. Norton & Company , 1991 (click for more details)