Priscilla Juvelis, Inc., a private dealer established in 1980, specializes in the sale of rare books and autographs to institutions and private collectors. Formerly associated with the late John F. Fleming of New York, Priscilla Juvelis is an active member of the international rare book community. With John F. Fleming, she published THE BOOK BEAUTIFUL AND THE BINDING AS ART, VOLUMES I and II, and with Alistair Duncan and George de Bartha, FRENCH ART NOUVEAU AND ART DECO BOOKBINDING. A member of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America and International League of Antiquarian Booksellers since 1983, she served the ABAA as President (1998-00), after serving as Vice President and Secretary and as a member of the Board of Governors from 1988-2002. She has served as President of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Antiquarian Booksellers. She is a lifetime member of the Manuscript Society and served as a Trustee of that organization for three years. She is a member of the Grolier Club, the International Association of Bibliophiles, the Cosmopolitan Club, and the American Antiquarian Society.
Specializing in Book arts, Livres d'Artiste, Fine Bindings, American Women Authors, Book Arts, Feminism, Fine and Private Press, Contemporary Book Arts, Contemporary Private Press, Contemporary Artist's Books
Priscilla Juvelis, Inc.

Terms of Sale
Terms of Sale: All items are subject to prior sale. Payment should accompany order unless credit has been established. Mastercard and Visa accepted. ME residents please add 5% sales tax. Institutions may receive deferred billing. Posting is additional: $10.00 for the first item and $5.00 for each additional item. All items are guaranteed as described and may be returned for any reason, with notice, within seven days of receipt, providing they are in the same condition as when shipped. Please call in advance of a return.

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Priscilla JuvelisKennebunkport, ME 04046

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