Marninart Rare Art Books is an antiquarian library specializing in deluxe edition of livres d'artistes from : Chagall, Dali, Matisse, Miro; Picasso, Impressionists. Important art journals such as: Cahiers d'Art, Verve, Derriere le Miroir, XXe Siecle, are also part of the collection that we gladly offer to our clientele.
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Signed First Edition
Roi, Je T'Attends a Babylone. 14 Drypoints by Salvador Dali
by Malraux, André - Illustrated by Salvador Dali
Geneva : Albert Skira , 1973 (click for more details)FRATERNITY 1939
by Stephen Spencer. Louis Aragon. With 9 signed etchings by Miro, Kandinsky, Hayter, Buckland-Wright, Hecht, Husband, Mead, Rieser and Vargas
Paris/New York : Sans lieu , 1939 (click for more details)
Cy Twombly. 11 Grey Paintings 1967-1970 Serie I. With a signed etching
Rome : Addenda Editore , 1970 (click for more details)
Picasso, Pablo. Toros Y Toreros. DeLuxe Edition with a signed lithograph by Picasso + a suite of 16 prints.
by Luis Miguel Dominguín and Georges Boudaille
Paris : Edition Cercle d'Art , 1961 (click for more details)
First Edition
Une Fete en Cimmerie, with 31 original lithographs by Matisse. 1963.
by Georges Duthuit
Paris : Tériade , 1963 (click for more details)