For over 35 years I have specialized in fine first editions of popular literature, with an emphasis on science fiction, fantasy, supernatural and horror, mystery and detective fiction. Additional related areas: pulp magazines, ephemera (such as manuscripts and letters), signed books, limited editions, award winners, as well as books in all areas of popular fiction. Of newer interest is WWI and WWII books and magazines - illustrated, cartoon, children's and ephemera mainly relating to propaganda. My specialist in this material is Mr. Warren Bernard. My stock is available on my website and at book fairs. Occasional catalogs are issued. Direct sales to customers are welcome at our premises, by appointment only. We are always interested in purchasing books. While we highlight these areas we do not limit ourselves to them.
Specializing in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Supernatural, Mystery & Detective Fiction, Adventure Fiction and Popular Fiction in all fields. Including Letters and Manuscripts, Signed editions, Pulp Magazines, Ephemera.
John W. Knott, Jr., Bookseller

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John W. Knott8453 Early Bud Way
Laurel, MD 20723

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To commemorate the landing on the Moon by Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969 we present a catalog showcasing Lunar travel in fact and fiction.