David Brass has been in the rare and antiquarian book business for over fifty years; my family has been in the rare books business since 1876. Rare books are in my blood. I specialize in buying and selling only the finest copies of the finest rare books in the world. Meticulous scholarship, ethical conduct, fair dealing, and the highest level of discreet, personal service are our core values from which we shall never waver.
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First Edition
24 Caricatures by Several Ladies Gentlemen Artists &c. [&] Caricatures Macaronies & Characters by Sundry Ladies Gentle.n Artists &c
by DARLY, Mary & Matthew, publishers
[London] No. 39 Strand: M. Darly, 1771 (click for more details)Lebende Thierbilder
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Munich: Braun & Schneider, 1900 (click for more details)
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by DAUMIER, Honoré; Gavarni; Alhoy, Maurice; Philipon, Charles
Paris: Chez Aubert, 1839 (click for more details)
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Scenes in the Life of Master George
by ALKEN, Henry
London: Tho.s McLean, 1823 (click for more details)Recent Catalogs
This catalogue contains 176 fine and rare items, divided into categories of Caricature, Children’s & Illustrated Books, Color Plate Books, Costume Books, Horses & Hunting, Miscellaneous Items, Modern Firsts & Inscribed Copies, and Naval & Military. There are indexes pertaining to each chapter.
This is the largest catalogue we have ever printed, and we hope you will see many items that you will find irresistible.
This is the largest catalogue we have ever printed, and we hope you will see many items that you will find irresistible.