Arthur Fournier Fine & Rare deals in books, serials, manuscripts, and archives in all fields and genres. We specialize in primary source materials related to the transformative cultural movements of the late 20th century, modern conflicts, disruptive technologies, music and the visual arts.
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Unsound. Vol. 1, no. 1 through vol. 3, no. 2 (all published)
San Francisco : Unsound. Vol. 1, no. 1 through vol. 3, no. 2. , 1983-1986 (click for more details)New Topographics : Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape
by International Museum of Photography
Rochester, New York : IMP / GEH , 1975 (click for more details)Squatter comics. Nos. 1 (circa 1989) and 2 (circa 1994) (all published)
New York : Shadow Press , 1989-1994 (click for more details)
First Edition
La Revolución en el Perú
La Revolución en el Perú : Comité de Apoyo a la Revolución en el Perú , 1986 (click for more details)The Space Child's Mother Goose
by Winsor, Frederick, illus. by Marian Parry
New York : Simon and Schuster , 1958 (click for more details)