Holiday List #1224
Holiday List #1224 (December 2024) is a listing of 32 books on a variety of horticultural and garden subjects. Highlights include: Cook's Manner of Raising, Ordering & Improving Forest-Trees. London 1717; Knoop's Pomologia... Fructologia... Dendrologia. Leeuwarden 1763; and Phin's Open Air Grape Culture. NY 1876.
Horticulture List #924
Horticulture List #924 (September 2024) contains a descriptive listing of 32 horticulture and gardening titles. Highlights include: Honore's Agenda de Sante, Paris 1777; Liger's Oeconomie Generale de la Campagne, Amsterdam 1701; Maddock's Florist's Directory, London 1792; and Seguier's Bibliotheca Botanica, The Hague 1740.
Horticulture Catalogue #27 - Wildflowers
Catalogue #27 (September 2019), “Wildflowers,” contains 80 items including two significant 19th century American color plate titles: William P.C. Barton’s FLORA OF NORTH AMERICA (Philadelphia 1821-23) with 106 hand-colored plates; and Asa Strong’s THE AMERICAN FLORA (NY 1855) bound in four elaborately gilt-tooled volumes, with 191 colored plates. In addition, a “Collection of Books on the Botany of the Caribbean, Central America, and Northern South America” is also offered. This collection contains 95 books on the flora of this region including Francisco Sauvalle’s scarce FLORA CUBANA (Havana 1873) as well as an inscribed copy of Blas Pablo Reko’s privately printed MITOBOTANICA ZAPOTECA (Tacubaya, Mexico 1945).
Horticulture Catalogue #26 - Fruits & Vegetables
Catalogue #26 (May 2018), "Fruits & Vegetables," contains 107 items including two 19th century American color plate titles: Alfred Hoffy's NORTH AMERICAN POMOLOGIST (Philadelphia, PA 1860) with 30 hand-colored lithographs of fruits; and Charles Hovey's FRUITS OF AMERICA, Vol.1, Vol.2, and Parts 1 & 2 from the scarce Vol.3, with 104 fine chromolithographed plates of fruits. Other highlights include: Court van der Voort's BYZONDERE AENMERKINGEN (Leiden 1737), with 15 engraved plates, and Nicolas Fatio de Duillier's FRUIT-WALLS IMPROVED (London 1699).
Horticulture Catalogue #25 - Herbs & Herbals
Catalogue #25 (September 2017), "Herbs & Herbals," contains 65 items including a number of significant British and American herbals. Highlights include the following: John Gerard's landmark HERBAL (London 1636), with over 2,800 woodcuts of plants; Hill's BRITISH HERBAL (London 1756) with an allegorical frontispiece and 75 copperplate engravings; Abraham Munting's DE VERA ANTIQUORUM HERBA BRITANNICA (Amsterdam 1681), containing 24 engraved plates of plants, all contenders in the author's search for the identity of the true "Herba Britannica" as discussed by early herbalists; and Constantine Rafinesque's MEDICAL FLORA (Philadelphia, PA 1828: 1830), complete with 100 plates of plants printed in green ink.
Horticulture Catalogue #24 - Flowers
Catalogue #24 (May 2017), "Flowers - with Sections on Roses, Orchids and Succulents," contains 225 items ranging from individual flower monographs to a section of "Language of Flowers" books. Highlights include the following: Brook's NEW CYCLOPAEDIA OF BOTANY AND COMPLETE BOOK OF HERBS (London 1851-1854) with 100 colored plates; Hey's THE MORAL OF FLOWERS (London 1836) with 28 colored plates of bouquets; Stern's PEONIES OF GREECE in the limited edition, with 12 loose color lithographs measuring 26" tall by 20" wide suitable for individual framing; and a nurseryman's sales catalogue with 57 color plates of fruits, flowers and trees from the Miller & House Nursery (circa 1888), a U.S./Canadian cross-border nursery.
Woodburn Books, ABAA, ILAB
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