Recent Catalogs from Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Inc.
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Spring 2024 catalog
This catalog features some Cormac McCarthy materials, Presidential autographs, numerous signed photographs by Edison & Cody, archives and much, much more.
July 2023 e-catalog
This catalog offers materials from a long-dormant autograph archive. Highlight include great content letters by JFK, FDR and Eisenhower.
January 2020 email blast
This month's newsletter features a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. signed book, a previously unrecorded Charles Darwin letter discussing his early book on evolutionary biology, a Mark Twain letter to a Yale Law School dean, an Andrew Johnson signed military commission just days after the Lincoln assassination, an United States Colored Troops document, a Langston Hughes signed book, a George Santayana signed poem, and many content letters.
Stuart Lutz Historic Documents catalog
A broad assortment of historically important documents, including an archive of Presidential letters, one of Abraham Lincoln's first Presidential commissions, an Amelia Earhart signed photograph, a rare James Garfield Presidential document, a John Wayne signed radio contract, and much, much more.

South Orange, NJ 07079

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