Catalog 189 May 2022
Twenty Letters, Photographs, and Artworks in the Arts
Catalog 188 Fall 2021
From James Joyce to Paula Sluiter: Letters, Photographs, and Artwork + Sale Section
Catalog 187, January 2021
15 Letters, Documents, Sketches on Film, Art & Education
Catalog 186, September 2020
Letters, Photographs, Drawings
Illustrated Letters and Doodles Catalog 185 November 2019
Fifteen illustrated letters from our collection celebrating "Scrawl: An A-Z of Famous Doodles," (NY: Rizzoli, 2019) and our forthcoming exhibition at The Grolier Club, "Art in the Letter and other Scrawls," Jan. 8-Feb. 21, 2020.
Catalog 184 July 2019
10 Selections in Arts and Letters
Catalog 183 March 2019
Featuring Material Displayed at the 59th Annual New York Antiquarian Book Fair, March 7-10, 2019.
Catalog 182 Holiday 2018
A Selection of Letters, Documents, Photographs, Artworks and Books
Catalog 181 June 2018
Letters, Drawings, Carte-de-Visite Notes, Circus Photographs, 14 items.
SA Catalog 180. March 2018
13 new letters and drawings
Holiday Catalog 178 December 2017
Thirteen items including illustrated letters of Hermann Hesse and Sean O'Casey, Truffaut on "Le Dernier Metro," silicon transistor drawing by its inventor William Shockley, Erte letter on his theatrical costume book, drawings and cartoon art on sale.
Catalog 177 October 2017
16 items fully illustrated and described in areas of literature, art, cartoon art, photography, science, women's history, Jewish history, cinema and television, popular music.
Catalog 176
June 2017
Schulson Autographs Catalog 175
Seventeen items including letters, documents, cartoon drawings by George Herriman and Grace Drayton and signed photographs of Churchill during the war and Pach, of Pach Brothers photographers.
2017 January Sale
35 Item in the areas of Art, Literature, Science History, Music and Photography.
Schulson Autographs Catalog 173 - November 2016
Sixteen items fully illustrated
Schulson Autographs Catalog 172 - September 2016
15 items in the areas of literature including our Floating Bear collection with signatures of Burroughs, Lamantia and Koenig, art and cartoon art, music, history and politics, cinema .
Catalog 171
Featuring signed photographs, illustrations, and documents
Catalog 170
14 items in our Spring 2016 Catalog
Schulson Autographs Catalog 168
We are pleased to offer 12 items in Catalog 168. Highlights include Flannery O’Connor typed letter signed, Piet Mondrian Autograph Letter Signed, jazz pianist and composer Mary Lou Williams
Autograph Letter Signed
Autograph Letter Signed
Catalog 167
Our fully illustrated Catalog consists of 23 items in the areas of Art, Literature, Music, History, Science and Film
Catalog 166
Schulson Autographs is pleased to offer Catalog 166, a list of 17 items from our inventory. The catalog shows a photograph of Winston Churchill, as Prime Minister, on the cover.
Catalog 165
Schulson Autographs is pleased to offer Catalog 165, digital only, composed of 21 items including Paul Ehrlich ALS, substantive scientific content, early Virginia Woolf ALS, Hans Christian Andersen ALS giving writing advice.
Digital version contains 18 items, print version contains this plus 3 past digital catalogs.

Milburn, NJ 07041

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