25 for 25 (E-Catalogue 31)
25 recent acquisitions
Catalogue 30
Recent acquisitions
Seventeen books and manuscripts relating to (or containing) drawings, paintings, icons, portraiture, ornament, and the decorative arts
Catalogue 29: Anonymous
17 anonymously produced books and objects
Catalogue 28
15 books (16th-19th century) with special bindings
Catalogue 27
New Acquisitions from the Seventeenth Century
German graphic arts
Graphic arts of the German-speaking lands, 15th-19th century
Catalogue 26
New acquisitions
E-Catalogue 25
Printed books, manuscripts, and in between, 1502-1797
E-Catalogue 24
New Acquisitions
E-Catalogue 23
Religion, popular & private: Texts, Art, Objects
E-Catalogue 22
Recent acquisitions.
Sixteen illustrated books from the sixteenth century
European illustrated books, 1508-1600
E-Catalogue 21
New acquisitions, European books, prints and art, 1568-1836
E-Catalogue 20
Twenty recent acquisitions, 1562-1834
Summer Short-list: the Seventeenth Century
23 books from the 17th century
E-Catalogue 19: 100% Codices
26 recent acquisitions, European books and manuscripts from 1501 to 1836
E-Catalogue 18: Allegory, Signs & Symbols
Twenty Continental European books from the 16th to 19th century relating to allegory and symbols
E-Catalogue 17: Feminae
Two dozen books by, for and/or about women
E-Catalogue 16
21 recent acquisitions
E-Catalogue 15
Twenty European printed books and manuscripts, 1508-1829
E-Catalogue 14
Printed books, manuscripts, bindings and portfolios, 1470-1833
E-Catalogue 13
20 recent acquisitions including incunables, early Continental publishers’ bindings, instructional manuals to help advance one’s career or spiritual standing, a history of the Morisco revolt, an history of Bamberg Bishops in verse, a Catalan illustrated broadside, a lawyer’s rhyming comedies, and two illustrated hagiographies.
E-Catalogue 12
Recent Acquisitions: Mystical Allegory, Sammelbände, Pillars of the Church, Art & Design, World Chroniclers, and the Reading Journal of a Russian Countess
Kids, E-Catalogue 11
21 books, manuscripts and broadsides for, by & about children
E-Catalogue 10
Twenty Books and Manuscripts, 1532-1848
E-Catalogue 9
21 books, manuscripts, and prints
E-Catalogue 8
A chronological catalogue of European books, 1470-1817
A baker’s dozen
13 recent acquisitions
Musinsky Rare Books Catalogue 2015 / I
27 books, manuscripts, and prints from the 15th to 19th century, mainly French and German
New year list 2015
6 books for the holidays
New acquisitions January 2014
18 books and manuscripts
Musinsky list July 2014
20 books, manuscripts and broadsheets, dating from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, from Austria, England, Flanders, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, and Switzerland

New York, NY 10024

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