July Virtual Fair Catalog
Brazil, 90s Rock Zines, Italian Jazz, Aerial Photographs, Juliet Low Girl Scout Camp Album
t h e m a c h i n e s t o p s
A consideration of human activities at the outset of Covid 19
Americana 2020 Pamphlets 18th and 19th c Many not in trade
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York imprints
Rubaiyat Part I
Edward Heron Allen, Edward Fitzgerald and other translators and scholarly treatments of Omar Khayyam and Persian poetry tradition
George Wharton James and related 19th century California including rattlesnake cures, Victorian tours and metallurgy.
First of June
Roaring Twenties Detroit Debutantes, 1830's Whiskey and Temperance, 20th century Coal, Aircraft and Carillon Photographs
Victoriana and Such: Sex, Lies and Theatre
Robert Louis Stevenson Scandal, Vice, Victorian Trade and Patent, Quakers and Indian Poetry.
Last of May
Vanderbilt letters, Victorian Menus and Silver Plate recipes, WWII Kisses, Oakland Beat Poets, Women Editors, Brooklyn Small Press.
Of Innocence and Ends: Rhymes and Nightmares
French Christmas Toy Catalog, 1920s; Original Children's Art "Tom, Tom the Piper's Son"; Kinderleider, Victorian chromolithography to folksongs, Schubert, Mozart, Goethe; Holographic Classroom Prophecy; WWII Latvian DP Children's Book; Original Art - Surreal with Toys and Weapons
Ten Letters: Of Font and Pen
Letters: Anti-vivisection Letter from unrecorded Animal Rights periodical editor; Typed letter signed from the President of Harvard University to Professor Minot, donor to Medical Library; Manuscript letter regarding Kentucky Doctor visiting New York Lawyer with a lady friend; Manuscript letter from the poet Charles Swain; Manuscript letter on Carisbrooke Castle letterhead, Isle of Wight; Princess Beatrice and Lady Milford Haven British Royalty; Manuscript letter from George Dixon, member of British Parliament to Sir Forster; Forster's Education Act Victorian Education Reform England and Wales; Typed letter signed from the President of J.P. Morgan, 1918; Economic Theory; Manuscript Letter from British Judge Lewis Cave; Royal Courts of Justice; Illustrated Letterhead from Healing Waters of West Virginia, Alkaline Water; Manuscript Letter from Cuba to the Northeast on Ship Chandler's letterhead, 1879.
First Blush: Virgin and Vice
“Do you attribute the girls’ fall mostly to drink, to love of dress, or what?”/ “To none of these causes so much as to bad companionship, and the want of resolution to say ‘No.”
Women's Rights, Sex Work Legislation, Social Work.
Early Rescuers, Red Light Abatement and Odes, to Flesh in this grouping of Letters and Pamphlets.
Women's Rights, Sex Work Legislation, Social Work.
Early Rescuers, Red Light Abatement and Odes, to Flesh in this grouping of Letters and Pamphlets.
One Monster: Men and Memory
The Basics: Amputees, Child Preachers and Reformers, Hitler Youth, Welfare Island, Oxford Group, Quack Medicine and Lunacy Exams, Prostitution, Divine Healing, Cults, First Nude Scenes and Innocent Love.
Trois Pas Normatives
Classic Anarchist Jo Labadie's Treatise on Love, Outsider Art: The Groundbreaking British Exhibition and Brecht-connection Tress Photography
Color 1.0
Design and student art collections noted for pure color and theory.
Anarcho-Socialist Race-Positive Poets and Workers aka My People
Ephemera with strong feminist, folk, progressive culture, race-positive, gender-inclusive and worker-supportive narratives.
Travel in Dreams and Waking: Childlike Wonder or Laboring Hands
A small collection of items related to travel: the vivid jungle charactes of Rudyard Kipling, naive manuscript of West Indies sugar traders, Trans-Pacific tours of violin virtuoso Kreisler, Pranavananda's Tibetan journeys and the lure of the ocean in 1920's Florida book.

Longmont , CO 80501

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