Recent Catalogs from Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller, Inc.

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Catalogue 232 Science, Medicine, Natural History, Bibliography, Bindings, etc.
Catalogue 231 Japanese & Chinese Books, Manuscripts and Scrolls
Catalogue 229 Japanese & Chinese Books, Manuscripts and Scrolls
Catalogue 228 Agriculture, Beer, Botany, Famine Relief, Farming, Food, Gardening, Horticulture, Irrigation, Land Reclamation, Utopias, & Wine
Cat. 208: Important Books & Manuscripts Important Books & Manuscripts in Many Fields
Cat. 211: Geology, Evolution, Mining, & Metallurgy Most of these books come from one private collection formed between the years 1980 and 2001
Cat. 210: Mathematics A Private Collection of Important Mathematics Books
Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller, Inc.
Contact the Seller
325 West End Ave.
New York, NY 10023-8135
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