Catalog 79, Holiday 2024
Over 150 items, mostly recent arrivals
Catalog 78: Autumn 2024
Children's Books and Illustrated Books, recent arrivals and selections from my inventory.
Catalog 77, Spring 2024
190 items, mostly recent arrivals with a selection from our inventory.
Catalog 76: Holiday 2023
170 Item, mostly recently acquired with a selection from our inventory. Children's & Illustrated books.
Catalog 75: Children’s Book, Illustrated Books
A selection of mostly new arrivals, peppered with choice items from inventory
Catalog 74, Spring 2023
I'm very excited about this catalog! There are so many cool things that just happened to come my way over the past year. A nice group of ABC books, old and newer, in English and other languages, a few that I've never seen anywhere else. A scarce Cecil Aldin title that I've never seen in a dust jacket. A true first edition of Margaret Wise Brown's Bumble Bugs and Elephants plus The Streamlined Pig, signed by the illustrator, Kurt Wiese. A first edition of William Pene du Bois' rarest book, Elisabeth the Cow Ghost. A signed copy of Jessie M King's Little White Town of Never-Weary. A fabulous archive of original art and illuminated calligraphy by Elizabeth MacKinstry--not to be missed! Lastly, a copy of Virginia Sterrett's Arabian Nights in the original box.
Catalog 73: Holiday 2022, Children’s Books
In reality, I would love to wait to release my holiday catalog until after Halloween, but I'm bowing to the whims of commerce at large and getting it out there well in advance. Inside, I hope you will find something that amuses and delights, or possibly astounds and excites. At the very least, something to fill that empty spot on your shelf.
A few highlights include the rare ABC, "Rummical Rhymes" from 1864. Two unused Cecil Aldin paint books. A signed limited edition of Walter de la Mare's "Crossings: A Fairy Play." Dorothy Lathrop's "Lost Merry-Go-Round" in dust jacket. Lois Lenski's Newbery Award winner, "Strawberry Girl." Lothar Meggendorfer's "Look and Laugh" and much more, including other Caldecott & Newbery Award & Honor books, illustrated books, early American imprints, etc...
A few highlights include the rare ABC, "Rummical Rhymes" from 1864. Two unused Cecil Aldin paint books. A signed limited edition of Walter de la Mare's "Crossings: A Fairy Play." Dorothy Lathrop's "Lost Merry-Go-Round" in dust jacket. Lois Lenski's Newbery Award winner, "Strawberry Girl." Lothar Meggendorfer's "Look and Laugh" and much more, including other Caldecott & Newbery Award & Honor books, illustrated books, early American imprints, etc...
Catalog 72: Summer 2022
I meant to get a winter catalog out the door, but then March rolled around and it was too late. Then I tried for a Spring catalog, but May snuck up on me. So, here we are in early June and I finally put a list together. This catalog is mostly new arrivals with about 50 selections from our inventory.
Some of the highlights include Ronald King's limited edition pop-up ABC, ALPHABETA CONCERTINA; a first edition of Lloyd Alexander's Newbery Award winning THE HIGH KING; an uncommon book illustrated by Florence Mary Anderson, PASSWORD TO FAIRYLAND; Margaret Wise Brown's DAVID'S LITTLE INDIAN illustrated by Remy Charlip; a selection of BABAR books; Julius Hoppner illustrated edition of UNDINE; signed D'Aulaire books; the signed limited edition of I AM A PUEBLO INDIAN GIRL; Johnny Gruelle's GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES; a signed copy of Dorothy P. Lathrop's Newbery Honor book, THE FAIRY CIRCUS in dust jacket!; a fabulous French book by O'Galop (pseud of Marius Rossillon) who created the Michelin man, the book is titled LE DIRIGEABLE CAGE-A-MOUCHES NUMERO UN; and a rare WWII era book written and illustrated by the children of unoccupied France, LE MERVEILLEUX VOYAGE DE AL GOUTTE DE VITAMINE.
Some of the highlights include Ronald King's limited edition pop-up ABC, ALPHABETA CONCERTINA; a first edition of Lloyd Alexander's Newbery Award winning THE HIGH KING; an uncommon book illustrated by Florence Mary Anderson, PASSWORD TO FAIRYLAND; Margaret Wise Brown's DAVID'S LITTLE INDIAN illustrated by Remy Charlip; a selection of BABAR books; Julius Hoppner illustrated edition of UNDINE; signed D'Aulaire books; the signed limited edition of I AM A PUEBLO INDIAN GIRL; Johnny Gruelle's GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES; a signed copy of Dorothy P. Lathrop's Newbery Honor book, THE FAIRY CIRCUS in dust jacket!; a fabulous French book by O'Galop (pseud of Marius Rossillon) who created the Michelin man, the book is titled LE DIRIGEABLE CAGE-A-MOUCHES NUMERO UN; and a rare WWII era book written and illustrated by the children of unoccupied France, LE MERVEILLEUX VOYAGE DE AL GOUTTE DE VITAMINE.
Bierhorst Collection
Jane Byers Bierhorst was one of the leading typographers and designers of children's books from the 1960s through the early 2000s and her husband, Jack is an author and folklorist specializing in the lore of indigenous Americans.
E M Maurice Books is pleased and honored to present the collection of Jane, Jack and their daughter, Alice. The collection includes a selection of their personal books as well as books designed by Jane and / or written by Jack; children's book-related posters; examples of Jane's work; and original artwork, correspondence and ephemera from familiar names in the children's book industry. The collection includes works by Maurice Sendak, James Marshall, Steven Kellogg, Antonio Frasconi, Leo & Diane Dillon, and Gerald McDermott, to name a few.
E M Maurice Books is pleased and honored to present the collection of Jane, Jack and their daughter, Alice. The collection includes a selection of their personal books as well as books designed by Jane and / or written by Jack; children's book-related posters; examples of Jane's work; and original artwork, correspondence and ephemera from familiar names in the children's book industry. The collection includes works by Maurice Sendak, James Marshall, Steven Kellogg, Antonio Frasconi, Leo & Diane Dillon, and Gerald McDermott, to name a few.

Torrington, CT 06790

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