Fall 2021: African Americana
Highlights include a number of scarce works by authors such as Georgia Douglas Johnson and Sarah Farro (the third known published African-American woman novelist), Nancy Cunard's Negro Anthology, signed books by polar explorer Matthew Henson and Martin Luther King, Jr, and a second edition of Narrative of Sojourner Truth in the original wraps.
Catalog #6
An eclectic mix of new arrivals featuring a signed first edition of Irma Rombauer's The Joy of Cooking, a signed first edition of Isaac Asimov's sci-fi classic I, Robot, and a lock of Richard Brautigan's hair.
Catalog #5
An eclectic mix of new arrivals. Highlights include a number of books by eminent biologists and scientists inscribed to evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, a signed first edition of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique, and a first edition of T.S. Eliot's Prufrock.
Catalog #4
Summer 2019.
Catalog #3
A collection of our recent acquisitions, featuring a broad range of literature, poetry and non-fiction. Highlights include rarities from Sylvia Plath, Charlotte Bronte, Charles Bukowski, Henry Miller, Kahlil Gibran, and one of The Brothers Grimm.

Contact the Seller 2505 SE 11th Ave., #326
Portland, OR 97202

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