Iranian American activism and culture
A gathering of materials with an emphasis on dissident exile activity in the 1970s and 1980s
Activism against sexual harassment, domestic violence, and rape
A short list of books and pamphlets
Asian American history, literature, religion, and arts
131 books, pamphlets, and other items
Making Coal Great Again!
164 items related to coal mining, with emphasis on the labor movement
Frequent Flyers… Handbills, broadsides, and other single-sheet communications
123 items and lots from the 19th century to the end of the 20th.
Palestinian Politics, History and Culture
Books, pamphlets and ephemera
Fine press & limited editions
A selection of fine press books and limited editions, with an emphasis on California presses such as Grabhorn and Allen Press, with a few anarchist fine press books thrown in for a little spice
Anti-Fascist Movements
A short list
Espionage! Conspiracy! Subversion!
(Theirs and ours)
A short list on resistance to sexual assault and harassment
Anti-rape and anti-harassment pamphlets and other publications
Native American Activism
Items related to Native American political and cultural activism of the last several decades
Filipinos in America (And America in the Philippines)
Activism, Literature, History
Vote early and often:
Presidential campaign ephemera, mostly from outside the two-party system
Bolerium takes the Stage:
A sampling of plays, scripts, screenplays, playbills and theatrical ephemera, including items of significance to LGBT and African American history and to the labor movement
International Women’s Day
A short list of 20 items
African American history
107 items, from the era of slavery to Black Power
Abortion Controversy
Materials on abortion, including activism in support of legalization, and opposition thereto
International Activism Against Apartheid
Thirty years ago, the anti-Apartheid movement caught fire on American campuses with calls for divestment from South Africa. This was part of an unprecedented wave of global attention that helped hasten the release of political prisoners and the fall of the Apartheid system. Our selection here includes materials of that mid-1980s era, as well as publications representing the efforts of previous decades and the subsequent transition to democratic rule.
The Far Right
Racism, Christian Identity and a smattering of more mainstream conservatism. Not for the squeamish.
LGBT books from the Tamara Turner collection
A selection of literature and nonfiction from the holdings of the longtime labor activist and socialist feminist, including signed works by Ann Bannon, Natalie Clifford Barney, and a host of interesting pulps and first editions.
Exiles and Refugees
From the Spanish Civil War to Southeast Asia, Central American conflicts to unrest in the Middle East - plus some items by American refugees from the Draft and McCarthyism
Children's books with an emphasis on social movements along with China, Tibet and Mongolia.
A sampling of our stock of transgender and transsexual materials
Including many gay and lesbian publications, zines by people of color, photocopied comix, and products of anarchist and other radical political movements... Plus a few works of pure tastelessness.
With an emphasis on war and the diaspora, including a selection of Chinese works in support of the Khmer Rouge
Posters of Women’s Movements
54 posters from feminist, lesbian, and labor-related movements.
“I do!” A short list of items related to LGBT marriage.
1960s to the present
American Labor and Radical Social Movements in the 1930s
From the Great Depression to the Emergence of the Social Safety Net. Also including anti-fascist, anti-racist and freethought publications.
The Red Maple Leaf: Canadian radicalism, labor and social movements
Books and ephemeral materials
Homophile magazines, tabloids, journals & newsletters
Korea and Koreans Abroad
History (including the Korean War), Art, Literature and Activism
Cuisine and food-related activism
Bolerium goes to lunch.... Books and ephemera representing food-related social movements, labor activism, ethnic and immigrant cuisines, and (what the heck) a few plain old menus and cookbooks.
[One hundred and] Fifty Shades of Red
A sampling of one item apiece from 150 different far-left parties, tendencies, activist organizations and splits. Indulge in some political sects play!
Armenia and the Diaspora
A short list of historical, literary, religious and political works
Judaica; with an emphasis on social activism
A Hanukkah offering
Radical Puerto Rico
Independence Activism, Labor, and the Diaspora
Gay and Lesbian literature and poetry, including many signed editions
Homenatge a Catalunya
A short list of some Catalonia-related material inspired by the unofficial Catalan self-determination referendum, much of it from the Spanish Civil War.
The Battle Hymn of Bolerium
Sheet music, with an emphasis on the labor movement,
drag performers and the complicated dance around ethnicity.
drag performers and the complicated dance around ethnicity.
Bolerium Goes Leafleting II
Handbills, flyers, broadsides and other single-sheet communications
Poetry of Protest and Power
A century of politically committed poetry from the African Diaspora in the West, ranging from calls for equality and civil rights to the Black power movement and Afrocentrism.
Indigenous activism and history in North America
Native Americana, with emphasis on social movements
Japanese American Studies: History, Literature, Activism
A catalog representing a portion of our relevant holdings on Japanese immigration and life in the Americas, including many books in Japanese.
Live Wires and Hot Pistols: 130 years of feminist activism
A catalog representing a small portion of our relevant holdings in fields ranging from suffrage to wage equality, socialist feminism to lesbian separatism.
Agricultural Labor and Activism
Books, pamphlets, leaflets, posters, and pinback buttons - all the tools of the agitator - produced by and about farm workers.
Ephemera of San Francisco
From psychedelic evolution to Marxist revolution; ethnic disquiet to calls for queer riot
AIDS: Silence = Death
Agitational, educational and denialist materials from around the world
Chinese America
History, culture, literature
Activist Autobiographies
Over 300 memoirs by advocates, organizers, radicals and fellow travelers

San Francisco, CA 94110

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