Founded in 1996, Lorne Bair Rare Books specializes in the literature, art and history of radical social movements, primarily Ameican and primarily on the left but with a representative sampling of materials from the far right and beyond. ::::::: Located in a 5,000 square foot office in an historic mill building just of I-81, we are open by appointment to browsers and dealers. Book fairs, appraisals, and the pursuit of fresh material keep us on the road much of the year, so please call ahead, as we do not keep regular open hours to the public. ::::::: We are interested in acquiring significant materials in the areas of American radical and labor history, civil rights, womens history, LGBT history, and related social justice movements. Items of interest include books, pamphlets, broadsides, graphics, original artworks, manuscripts, autographed materials, photographs, and archives, from the 17th through the 21st centuries.
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