by Furey, Francis T. Vile, John R.
2015. ISBN-13: 9781616195069; ISBN-10: 1616195061. Furey, Francis T. An Explanation of the Constitution of the United States of America Prepared for Use in Catholic Schools, Academies, and Colleges. Originally published: New York: The Catholic Publication Society Co., 1889. (iii-xvi new introduction), 156 pp. Reprinted 2015 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. With a new introduction by John R. Vile, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN. ISBN-13: 9781616195069. ISBN-10: 1616195061. Hardcover. New. $29.95 * With a new introduction by John R. Vile (Middle Tennessee State University) that explains its relevance, this catechism, originally published (truncated)