signed Unbound
by Sandburg, Carl
8.5"x4.5" cut sheet. Dated "Flat Rock NC 4/3/53." Sandburg thanks his correspondent, Prof Arthur L Scott of the Univ of Illinois, for sending his paper "on the Henry James vogue. You wrap him up... and arrive at his number." Sandburg explains he hasn't the time to write "several pages from the evocations of your paper" but "Lincoln's letter of Feb 7, 1846 to John J Hardin... has more precision and subtlety... than any novel of HJ. Ramble through it." Signed in ink "Carl Sandburg." Sandburg has made one ink hand correction to a word. Hardin was a member of the Whig Party in the House. Scott was one of the academics whom Sandburg corresponded with frequently.The letter is folded twice; otherwise in Fine condition. Sandburg's personalized envelope postmarked "Apr 11 (?), 1953" with Sandburg's holograph name added to his Connemara Farms address accompanies the letter. The envelope is in Very Good condition. Also, a TLS in Scott's name dated "January 13, 1958" requesting Sandburg's hosting a group for a University affair is included. Sold as a lot only.
(Inventory #: 3253)