first edition leather_bound
1779 · Paris
by Dubuisson, M.
Paris: M. Dubuisson Fils, 1779. First edition. leather_bound. Contemporary brown calf, maroon backstrip labels lettered in gilt. All edges marbled. Very good. 2 Vols. xvi, 448 (i, half title), (i, blank), (i. title page)( blank), Vol.1 and Vol. II. 370 (2, approbation). A-Ee8 & 2, A-Z8, Aa2. Half titles. 20 x 13 cm. This work is noted for its scientific study of the subject. Accompanied with the Supplement: Memoire sur les Acidess Natifs du Verjus de l'Orange, et du Citron. BITTING, p.133. BC 527. SIMON, BIBLI. GASTR. 527; OBERLE, LES FASTES 1096. MUELLER, p. 66. 3. & VICAIRE. 292 cite later editions. Armorial bookplates of Charles Baron de la Barre de Flandre front cover paste downs of both volumes. Marbled endpapers. Interior contents sharp and clean. Slight nicks to backstrip head both volumes. (Inventory #: 24441)