Rohmer discusses three films and their directors: Ingmar Bergman's, "The Seventh Seal," "Bonjour Tristesse," directed by Otto Preminger and "Mon Oncle" directed by Jacques Tati. In a three page signed hand written essay on three separate 4to pages, [ca1958] Rohmer discusses the films, their directors and the state of film making as he saw it. Rohmer begins, "It is being said just about everywhere that cinema is sick if not dying...I saw three films recently that were all excellent...." He discusses each film detailing why he judges them to be excellent. Full translation included along with French transcription. Rohmer was associated with French New Wave cinema and with film makers François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, and Jacques Rivette founded La Gazette du cinéma in 1950. Several years later he became editor-in-chief of Cahiers du cinéma. His 1969 film, "My Night at Maud’s," was his first commercial success.
(Inventory #: 4947)