JIMMY CARTER (1924-2025). Carter was the Thirty-Ninth President.TLS. 1pg. January 14, 1980. Washington. A typed letter signed Jimmy Carter as President to New York Congressman Peter A. Peyser. The President wrote On December 27, 1979, I signed into law S. 241, the Law Enforcement Assistant Reform Act of 1979. Because of your efforts toward the passage of this legislation, I would like you to have a pen commemorating my signing of the bill. The Law Enforcement Assistance Reform Act of 1979 was a bill that authorized appropriations for the U.S. Customs Service and U.S. International Trade Commission for the fiscal year of 1980. Carters letter is framed with the signing pen and the accompanying box. The letter is in very fine condition and the frame has a few pieces of dust and detritus from the cord that holds the pen in place. (Inventory #: 6545)