1890 · Salt Lake City
by [Thomas, Arthur Lloyd]
Salt Lake City: George C. Lambert, Public Printer, 1890. 3pp. Octavo [23 cm] Yellow printed wrappers. Near fine. Nice copy of this plea to the United States Congress to create a Southern Ute reservation in Southwest Colorado and to settle the Capote, Mouache, and Weeminuche there, instead of across the border in Utah's San Juan County. The Southern Ute Indian Reservation was carved out of the historical Ute homelands in 1868. The present Reservation boundary, encompassing approximately 1,067 square miles, is located in the southwest portion of Colorado and shares a border with the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation to the west, the State of New Mexico to the south, and the Jicarilla Apache Nation Reservation to the southeast. The Reservation boundary is roughly 75 miles long and 15 miles wide. (Inventory #: 10255)