by Marius, John
1794. A Well-Regarded Work on Bills of Exchange Marius, John. Advice Concerning Bills of Exchange, Wherein is Set Forth the Nature of Exchange of Monies, Several Forms of Bills of Exchange in Different Languages, Manner of Proceeding in Protest, Countermand, Security, Letters of Credit, Assignment, And Generally the Whole Practical Part and Body of Exchanges Anatomized. With Two Exact Tables of New Stile and Old Stile. Dublin: Printed for H. Watts, 1794. [100] pp. Octavo (7-3/4" x 4-3/4"). Recent calf, blind fillets, gilt date and retained lettering piece to spine, endpapers renewed. Light scratches and very light fading to exterior. Light toning to interior, occasional light foxing, upper outside corners of half-title and title page lacking (mended on verso). $650. * Only Dublin edition (stated fifth). This well-regarded treatise on bills of exchange went through a number of editions in London, Dublin and Philadelphia, the first in London in 1651. It was incorporated into the final edition of Gerard Malynes's classic Lex Mercatoria (1686), a sign of its reputation. OCLC locates 7 copies of this edition (UC-Berkeley Law School, Free Library of Philadelphia, Brigham Young University, Yale, Columbia Law School, University of Pennsylvania Law School, New York State Appellate Division Library). English Short-Title Catalogue N46926.
(Inventory #: 81898)