Felt slipcase. Cards secured in box well
1987 · Cincinnati
Cincinnati: The United States Playing Card Company, 1987. Felt slipcase. Cards secured in box well. Fine. A party favor deck of playing cards, with a felt-covered slipcase holding a gold box well, in which are housed the cards. The slipcase top has a gilt impressed joker dancing above the event's name and date, and gold trim to the box setting this deck apart from other card decks produced by the card company giant, The United Playing Card Company. The box is the typical 9.5 by 6.5 cm. 54 cards, including two jokers. Cards have gilt sides and are just a little bit stiffer, or stronger, than the typical new deck -- this is a good thing, and something we associate with a more premium deck. The design of the cards is otherwise not unlike a more standard bicycle line of the card company. The box well containing the cards has a fabric pull as well as a cut-out circle on its bottom to facilitate pulling out the card well and removing the cards from the well. The felt shows moderate wear, and some of the gilt of its top image and lettering is rubbed or disappeared. Otherwise, the deck is unused, and Like New.
(Inventory #: 20229)