first edition No Binding
[c. 1973] · [Berkeley]
by PIERCY, Marge
[Berkeley]: Maidu Press. [c. 1973]. "A Maidu Free Poem" broadside of the title poem of Piercy's 1973 collection. This version has one small change from the book version published in 1973 (there were several more changes in later versions). The edition of this broadside is unstated, but the broadside is marked as "1/ ." The only other Maidu Free Poems we are aware of are a 1971 Gary Snyder broadside, "Swimming Naked in the Yuba River," and "I Saw the Green Yuba Flow" by Franco Beltrametti. The Snyder was done in an edition of 200 copies. Maidu Press was the creation of two of Snyder's neighbors and friends, Steve Sanfield and Dale Pendell, both of them (truncated)