first edition Quarter Leather
1850 · Richmond
by House of Delegates of Virginia | [James Madison] [William Arden Maury]
Richmond: J. W. Randolph, 1850. First Edition. Quarter Leather. Very Good binding. Large 8vo.; half calf with burgundy morocco label lettered in gilt, over marbled boards; xvi, [17], 18-264 pages including the Index; the signature of W. A. Maury on the pastedown dated August 1, 1860 [this is almost certainly that of Washington politician and lawyer William Arden Maury].~~The Virginia Resolutions of 1798 were drafted for the most part by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. They argued that the states were sovereign and that when the government assumed powers not specifically accorded it this was a usurpation. The Appendix in this book contains James Madison’s letters from the Nullification Crisis in which he denounces Nullification. Very Good binding.
(Inventory #: 298717)